Bad Actor
Bad Actor

Bad Actor

DEUPop, Indie Pop
50,495 monthly listeners
  • 65 fans

Bad Actor's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Baby Let's Drive
10.8K streams
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4.8K streams
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Gonna Be Missed
4K streams
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Around We Go
3.6K streams
Artist Name
Fighting For
2.7K streams
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Bad Actor

Bad Actor's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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Indie Brandneu
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Road Trip: Summer Feelings
by Spotify
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Deutschlandfunk Kultur recommends
by Spotify
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INDIE MUSIC for a happy trip
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Bad Actor's Beatport Songs

Artist Name
Activate (Original Mix)
Released on Sep 03, 2021
Artist Name
Fighting For (Original Mix)
Released on Sep 01, 2023
Artist Name
Fighting For (Extended Mix)
Released on Jul 07, 2023
Artist Name
I Will Never Fall (From Across the Sun) (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Released on Oct 09, 2020

Fighting For (Extended Mix)

Bad Actor

More about Bad Actor

Overview of Indie Pop musician Bad Actor

German pop and independent pop performer Bad Actor is from Berlin. Bad Actor has established themselves as a well-known band in the music industry with a distinctive sound that combines components of both genres. They are known for having captivating beats, soulful lyrics, and an empathetic tone in their music. The sincerity of Bad Actor's music, which is a reflection of their experiences and feelings in life, distinguishes them from other musicians.

Bad Actor is a musician with a unique sound that draws inspiration from a variety of musical subgenres. They don't hesitate to experiment with various sounds and styles because their music is a representation of their artistic vision. The music of Bad Actor is evidence of their love of music and commitment to their art. They have a devoted fan following and have received favorable reviews for their distinctive sound and approach in the music industry.

In conclusion, the Pop and Indie Pop music scenes have been greatly impacted by the musical talent of Bad Actor. They continue to enthrall audiences everywhere with their evocative lyrics and distinctive sound. They are sure to make waves in the business for years to come. Their music is a testament to their ingenuity, enthusiasm, and dedication to their trade.

What are the most popular songs for Indie Pop musician Bad Actor?

German Indie Pop musician Bad Actor has become very well-known for his distinctive sound and lyrics. "Baby Let's Drive," "Strangers," "Around We Go," "Faded," "Paradise," "Time to Time," "Love Beach," "Today," "Panther (Searching for Love")," and "Afterall" are a few of his best songs.

The enthralling song "Baby Let's Drive" has a catchy beat and lyrics that will have you singing along. Another excellent song by Bad Actor that demonstrates his ability to portray stories through music is "Strangers". The remaining songs are equally remarkable and demonstrate Bad Actor's breadth of musical styles.

The ability of Bad Actor to write music that is both upbeat and thoughtful at the same time sets him apart from other Indie Pop artists. His songs have a way of uplifting you and inspiring you to think about your relationships and life at the same time.

For anyone who enjoys Indie Pop and is searching for a new vibe, Bad Actor's music is a must-listen. He has earned his fame, and in the future, he will undoubtedly be an artist to watch.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Indie Pop musician Bad Actor?

With the release of their most recent album, "Stages (2022)," Berlin, Germany's Bad Actor, has become a popular Indie Pop act. The album contains a selection of songs that highlight the artist's own sound and style, fusing aspects of indie and pop music to produce a sound that is both infectious and reflective. Stages offers a song for every music fan, from the joyful and spirited "Forever (2022)" to the more reflective "Time to Time (2022)".

Along with the album, Bad Actor also released a number of singles, including "Forever (2022)," "Moon Palace (2023), and Today (Acoustic) (2023). These songs highlight the musician's range and propensity for writing songs that appeal to listeners of many musical tastes. The newest hits from Bad Actor will suit your mood whether it's for a dance party or a calm, reflective period.

Overall, Bad Actor's most recent albums have cemented their position as one of the most intriguing Indie Pop artists performing today. The artist has crafted a sound that is both catchy and contemplative with their distinctive fusion of pop and indie music, and their most recent album and singles are proof of their skill and originality. The latest albums from Bad Actor are definitely worth checking out, and we can't wait to see what the artist has in store for us next.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Indie Pop musician Bad Actor?

The Berlin, Germany-based Pop/Indie Pop musician Bad Actor has worked with a number of other musicians over the course of his career. The songs "Faded" with Alexis Troy, "Love Beach" with Lahos and Jon Paul, "Activate" with Bryan Kessler, and "Boom" with shi zu are a some of his most significant collaborations.

His "Faded" collaboration with Alexis Troy is among his most illustrious projects. Over Troy's glitchy, electronic beats, the song showcases the ethereal vocals that are distinctive of Bad Actor. The song has received appreciation for its distinctive sound and has contributed to Bad Actor's image as a forward-thinking artist.

"Activate" with Bryan Kessler is yet another significant project. Kessler's ominous, industrial beats and Bad Actor's menacing vocals are featured on the song. The end result is a strong and intense song that highlights both musicians' abilities. "Activate" has received a lot of attention for its distinctive sound and has established Bad Actor as a genre-defying musician.

In general, Bad Actor's associations with other musicians have been significant to his professional development. They have exposed him to new audiences and helped him develop his distinctive sound. We are forward to hear what Bad Actor comes up with next as he pushes the limits of Pop and Indie Pop music with each new collaboration.