Agathocles's Concerts


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  • Ieper Hardcore FestFestival

    Carnifex, Counterparts, Comeback Kid, Converge, High On Fire, Malevolence, Uncured, Discharge, Acidez, Get The Shot, Cockney Rejects, Jasta, Dezerter, Doyle, Hirax, Slope, Rotten Sound, Conflict, Wisdom In Chains, Sworn Enemy, Oi Polloi, Coffins, Spirits, La Jungle, Hexis, Agathocles, The Weirdos, Paura, Ramallah, Agrotóxico, Moskwa, Take Offense, Union 13, Morning Again, Battalion Of Saints, Broken Teeth, Hierophant, Leng Tch'e, Slander, The Arson Project, For The Glory, Process of Guilt, Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, JODIE FASTER, Jukai, Headshot, Walk the plank, Damien Done, PSYCHO ENHANCER, Albez Duz, Lost Baron, Ravage Ritual, Turbowarrior of Steel, VONNIS, Witch Trail, Chronic Disease
    BEL, Ieper
  • Obscene ExtremeFestival

    Napalm Death, Suffocation, Gutalax, Acidez, Vulvodynia, Asphyx, Lich King, Grave, Benighted, Exhumed, Wormrot, Kraanium, Ultra-Violence, Nasum, Rotten Sound, ČAD, Gruesome, Undergang, Rectal Smegma, Haemorrhage, Mob 47, Fleshcrawl, Agathocles, Cripple Bastards, Malignant Tumour, General Surgery, Agrotóxico, God Mother, Lobotomia, Corpsessed, Meth Leppard, Squash Bowels, Armagedom, Dayglo Abortions, Tortharry, Rattus, Chepang, Nashgul, Fleshless, Basement Torture Killings, Organ Dealer, Birdflesh, Thanatology, Asocial, BRUCEXCAMPBELL, Afgrund, Gruesome Stuff Relish, Kovaa Rasvaa, Convulsions, Axis of Despair, Bio Crisis, Decultivate, ENTRAILS MASSACRE, Jack, Dobytčí mor, Melancholy Pessimism, Self Deconstruction, Golers, Crusher, Needful Things, Butcher ABC, Antigod, Oxidised Razor, Deep Dirty, Inhumate, Department of Correction, Tools Of The Trade, Isacaarum, Abortion, Shampoon Killer, Disfigured Corpse, Brainwashed, Deflorace, Wolfhour
    CZE, Trutnov
  • Swr Barroselas MetalfestFestival

    Suffocation, Gaerea, Carpathian Forest, Vulvodynia, Exhorder, Gost, Mortiis, Church Of Misery, Dyscarnate, Evil Invaders, Nifelheim, Mortuary Drape, Hexis, Agathocles, Malignant Tumour, Sourvein, Carnal Decay, Wormhole, Master's Hammer, Nekromantheon, Firebreather, Jackdevil, Flageladör, Obliteration, Andralls, Pestifer, INTERMENT, Helllight, Altarage, Looking for an Answer, Teethgrinder, Irae, BLACK PANDA, Placenta Powerfist, Process of Guilt, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Départe, Totengott, Raw Decimating Brutality, Oak, Theriomorphic, Dead Meat, Suma, Lostregos, We Dream Alone, Axia, Paisiel, Amputate, Putas Bêbadas
    PRT, Viana do Castelo