Breka FestFestival
Cytotoxin, Putrid Pile, Don Gatto, Urban Instinkt, Anime Torment, Ashine, Eruption, Vulvathrone, Menstrual Cocktail, Deformed Cadaver, Sirrush, MATCH!, Živi zid, Čarne Marjetice, GreiaSVN, OrmozDirty Skunks FestFestival
Gutalax, SBO, Siderean, Dethrone The Corrupted, Pigs Parlament, Neuromancer, Dekadent, Mist, Ashine, Eruption, Decair, Infected, Reach A.D., Kamra, Pink Panker, Britof, BibliBan, Spirits of Stygia, It's everyone else, CarlxJohnson, AUTO, Agan, The Mor(R)ons, The Cogs, Sakrabolt, Smedja in Smetke, Smrt, White Pagoda, Suzi Soprano, Monstrumental, Kaoz, Gründ, In Heaven, Gužva u bajt, Dust Collector, Strayaway, Grob, Iamdisease, Nefarious Vermin, Blackoutt, Everything Goes, Human Host Body, Usil, 80s CrewSVN, LjubljanaMorana, Dark Sphere, Ashine at Orto Bar
Ashine, Dark Sphere, MoranaOrto BarSVN, Ljubljana11. Subart festival: Armaroth, Morywa, Ashine at TrainStation SubArt
Ashine, Armaroth, MorywaTrainStation SubArtSVN, KranjRitval VII: Darkfall, Ashine at Gromka
Darkfall, AshineGromkaSVN, LjubljanaKoD: Inmate, Dethrone the Corrupted, Ashine at Orto Bar
INMATE, Dethrone The Corrupted, AshineOrto BarSVN, LjubljanaHell'O'Win at Ljubljana
Dekadent, AshineCenter Slovanskih Kultur France PrešerenSVN, LjubljanaBreka Fest XI (31. 8. - 1. 9.) at Kantina
Gutalax, SICKRET, Last Hope, Pigs Parlament, Spineless Fuckers, Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay, Ashine, Bane, Glista, Gemišt, Smrt, NBFKantinaSVN, ČrenšovciBreka FestFestival
Gutalax, SICKRET, Last Hope, Pigs Parlament, Spineless Fuckers, Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay, Ashine, Glista, Gemišt, Smrt, Kaoz, NBF, Decage, Cult of the True LightSVN, Črenšovci
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