Mund de Carlo, FILUKA, Smag På Dig Selv, Patchanka, Legiana Collective, Ras Bolding, kollapse, Timur, Bawl, Timechild, GRO, Joules the Fox, Wayward Dawn, Kalles World Tour, Dans & Lær, Mbizo, Lucca, Emile, Bjarke Ramsing, Hvem er Alf?, Aske Skat and his Psychedelic Country band, Totem, Morgan Helltown & The Lost Cause, Pissed, The Smashing Boneheads, Sherzandum, Lauge Heebøll, Whiskeyordnen, Isogenic, Morten Skou Andersen & de mennesker han normalt sammenligner sig med, Madonnatello, Roots Resonance Soundsystem, Fanny Wree, Pablos, Danni Sell, HaannahDNK, Rørvig
Lili Refrain, Orcas, Dirt Forge, Bawl, Forever Unclean, Himla, Fars Rum, Electric Elephants, Stonebird, Farfars Tobak, The SkavengersDNK, Rørvig
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