Bite The Bullet's Concerts


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  • GrimFestFestival

    Peter Sommer, Pede B, When Saints Go Machine, M.A.G.S., Thøger Dixgaard, Love Shop, Per Vers, Bogfinkevej, Analogik, Goss, Jonny Hefty & Jøden, Ea Kaya, FARVEBLIND, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, Ravi Kuma, The William Blakes, Xenoblight, The Entrepreneurs, SHERPA, Bite The Bullet, Sjakket, Speaker Bite Me, Dør nr. 13, MONTI, Tiggerne
    DNK, Aarhus
  • ZytanienFestival

    Goldfinger, Jeremias, Pöbel MC, Waving The Guns, Jaya The Cat, Turbostaat, The Young Professionals, Smile And Burn, Love A, The Micronaut, MSOKE, DŸSE, Mutabor, Berlin Boom Orchestra, Kaye, Cynthia Nickschas, Milli Dance, Beranger, wonach wir suchen, Thomas Stieler, Footprint Project, Casimir Von Oettingen, Nick Parker, Heimlich Knüller, Budzillus, Love Machine, Bite The Bullet, Electronic Elephant, Makatumbe, Psychedelic Orchestra, Sir Robin & The Longbowmen, Es war Mord, Martin Saupe, BrassWoofer, Looney Roots, Future Jesus & The Electric Lucifer, Kamala, The Great Beyond, Lukas, Casio, Rob Me, LOOPMILLA, Hallimasch, Akktenzeichen, Aatu van Hinnen, Kai Kani
    DEU, Lehrte
  • Jelling MusikfestivalFestival

    Nickelback, James Blunt, Aqua, Suzi Quatro, Rasmus Seebach, Medina, Kesi, Nik & Jay, The Minds Of 99, Thomas Helmig, Mads Langer, Scarlet Pleasure, Faustix, Mew, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour, Hjalmer, Wafande, Hudson Taylor, Jonah Blacksmith, Shaka Loveless, Johnny Madsen, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, Poul Krebs, Hugo Helmig, Djämes Braun, Magtens Korridorer, Ida Nielsen, Michael Falch, Rasmus Bjerg, C.V. Jørgensen, Karl William, Jacob Dinesen, De Danske Hyrder, Benal, Soleima, Carl Emil Petersen, Hush, Queen Machine, Go Go Berlin, Mathilde Falch, Gangway, The Boy That Got Away, Rasmus Lyberth, Uffe Lorenzen, Ivan Pedersen, Ekspressen, Tainted Lady, Bite The Bullet, Pligten Kalder, Hardinger Band, The Beatophonics, Tom Donovan, Bandsalat, Pelican Beach, Almost AC/DC, Time Rag Department - The Roamer Street Rag Band, Padlock Chain, Syngepigerne, Jelling Bigband
    DNK, Jelling
  • DevilstoneFestival

    Behemoth, Napalm Death, Perturbator, 1000mods, Batushka, Toxic Holocaust, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, The Soft Moon, A Place to Bury Strangers, ba., Tides From Nebula, Mantar, Holy Motors, Vulture, Esben and the Witch, Lost in Kiev, Dopethrone, Holograms, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard, Colours of Bubbles, DEATH HAWKS, Alpha Tiger, Cheap Wine, Beaten To Death, The Entrepreneurs, Juodvarnis, Spoiwo, Bite The Bullet, Den Saakaldte, Aortes, Chasing the Rise, Mantas T, My Personal Murderer, WOLFSOME, Frank fitts, Pergalė, No Real Pioneers, Intakx, Parára
    LTU, Anykščiai