Paddy Rock Open AirFestival
The Rumjacks, The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats, Dritte Wahl, Drunken Swallows, The Feelgood McLouds, Pöbel & Gesocks, Emscherkurve 77, V8 Wankers, Herzblut, Argies, BAD NENNDORF BOYS, Restrisiko, Ghostbastardz, BullseyeDEU, Hamelin
Reload FestivalFestival
Bullet For My Valentine, Sabaton, Of Mice & Men, Jinjer, Airbourne, Hatebreed, While She Sleeps, Bury Tomorrow, Lordi, Soilwork, Agnostic Front, Any Given Day, Eyes Set To Kill, Thundermother, Sondaschule, Clawfinger, Ignite, Callejon, Walls of Jericho, Backyard Babies, Dog Eat Dog, Nasty, Massendefekt, Evergreen Terrace, Monsters Of Liedermaching, Radio Havanna, Evil Jared Hasselhoff, COPIA, Pressure Recall, Bullseye, Powerslave, Murderhead, AC/Dynamite, The CreapersDEU, Sulingen
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