Cruachan's Concerts


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  • Leyendas del RockFestival

    Linkin Park, Peyton Parrish, Within Temptation, Powerwolf, Imminence, Heilung, W.A.S.P., Hatebreed, Feuerschwanz, Beast in black, Fear Factory, Kublai Khan TX, dArtagnan, Hanabie., Fit For A King, Battle Beast, thrown, Kanonenfieber, Novelists, Lord of the Lost, Tierra Santa, The Halo Effect, From Fall to Spring, The Butcher Sisters, Angelmaker, Elvenking, Van Canto, CRYSTAL LAKE, Celtian, Lost Society, ALLT, Dark Angel, Rauhbein, Angelus Apatrida, Lacrimas Profundere, Warkings, Hardline, Dunedain, Charlotte Wessels, April Art, Cemican, Seven Spires, The Cost, Varg, Headon, Cemetery Skyline, Cruachan, Evil Invaders, Hadadanza, LEIZE, El Altar del Holocausto, injector, A DARK REBORN, The Broken Horizon, Dogma, Lonely Fire, ROBSE
    ESP, Villena
  • Ragnarök FestivalFestival

    Wardruna, Kanonenfieber, Harakiri For The Sky, Finntroll, Saor, Månegarm, Primordial, Kampfar, SuidAkrA, Cruachan, Heretoir, Non Est Deus, Winterfylleth, Thyrfing, The Vision Bleak, Ereb Altor, Imperium Dekadenz, Vredehammer, Istapp, Nothgard, Horn, Bifrost, Waldgeflüster, Vanaheim, Vansind, GRIMA, Ellereve, Ruadh, Menhir, BÖOTES VOID, Perchta, Calarook, ROBSE, VARG, GASBRAND, Ultar, Elleven
    DEU, Lichtenfels
  • Cernunnos Pagan FestFestival

    Deloraine, Sowulo, Skálmöld, Cruachan, Nemuer, Fejd, Cân Bardd, Hrafngrímr, Verikalpa, TOWARB, Havamal, Cuélebre, Hamradun, Wegferend, Bansidh, Les Harpies Ou Chiennes de Zeus, Vosegus, Sorcières, Trollheart, Wergeld
    FRA, Noisiel
  • HRH Vikings - Chapter IIIFestival

    Heidevolk, Moonsorrow, Cruachan, Thyrfing, Konvent, Grimner, Auðn, A Forest Of Stars, Waylander, Kosmogonia, Helsótt, Stahlsarg, Wolvencrown, Cadence Noir, Blood Oath, Witch Hazel, wyrdstaef
    GBR, Sheffield
  • Hell & Heaven Open AirFestival

    Slipknot, Scorpions, KISS, Pantera, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Panteon Rococo, Architects, Spiritbox, Trivium, P.O.D., Anthrax, Arch Enemy, Bad Religion, Alien Ant Farm, Ska-P, Epica, Soul Asylum, Slaughter to Prevail, Suicide Silence, Behemoth, Candlebox, Cradle Of Filth, Avatar, While She Sleeps, Meshuggah, Hatebreed, Filter, Yngwie Malmsteen, Kittie, The Interrupters, Pain, Black Flag, Venom, Kanonenfieber, Corrosion Of Conformity, Doro, Stryper, Butcher Babies, Born Of Osiris, Vended, Heaven Shall Burn, Gwar, Hypocrisy, Mercyful Fate, Marduk, Possessed, Soziedad Alkoholika, Tijuana no!, Revocation, Samael, Benediction, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Unleashed, Acidez, Transmetal, Taake, Doyle, Espécimen, Cemican, Total Chaos, Kampfar, Demolition Hammer, Naglfar, Deströyer 666, Thell Barrio, Cruachan, Santa Cruz, Einherjer, Los Viejos, Deadly Apples, Nifelheim, Los Tres Puntos, Strike Master, Tormentor, Anima Tempo, The Shelter, S7N, Tulkas, OBESITY, Killus, MINIPONY, Fractal Dimension, Garrobos, Surgery, Garigoles, Salvador y Los Eones, Mortuary, ACE KOOL, The Genotype, Dies In The Sky, Nexus, Tamadre, Shattered Vessels, The Brain Rage, Todos Los Muertos, Elchivo, After Silence, B Chaos, Aetherevm, For Centuries, Hate Ritual, Mexxika, Okktli, The Architect Of Nightmares, Lineage, Forbidden Rites, Los Malavibra, Evil Entourage, Killbane, Artillería, Rotten, Orwell, Nightbreed, Lepra
    MEX, Toluca de Lerdo
  • Kilkim Žaibu festivalFestival

    Igorrr, Batushka, Nervosa, Cruachan, Saulius Petreikis, Thundertale, Varang Nord, Aistė Smilgevičiūtė, Crypts of Despair, Juodvarnis, Obtest, Vėlių Namai, SKYLĖ, Sanctimony, Ir Visa Tai Kas Yra Grazu Yra Grazu, Gediminas Žilys, Lietis, Nihilistikrypt, MAROS RIJOS, TRYS KETURIÕSE, Christless
    LTU, Varniai
  • 70000 Tons Of MetalFestival

    Epica, Exodus, Venom, Soilwork, Soen, Cattle Decapitation, Wintersun, Suffocation, Candlemass, Haggard, At The Gates, Havok, Brujeria, Aborted, Possessed, Emperor, Leaves' Eyes, Finntroll, Bloodbound, The Agonist, Grave Digger, Michael Schenker, Flotsam and Jetsam, Carach Angren, Ihsahn, The Faceless, Incantation, Orphaned Land, Atheist, Whiplash, Omnium Gatherum, Trollfest, Axxis, Vio-Lence, Moonsorrow, Stam1na, Novembers Doom, Kampfar, Toxik, Cruachan, Edenbridge, Once Human, Einherjer, Wilderun, Ereb Altor, Zero Theorem, Spoil Engine, Aeternam, Ross The Boss, Ghost Ship Octavius, No Raza, Seven Witches, FirstBourne, Without Waves, Sortilège
    USA, Fort Lauderdale
  • HRH Vikings - Chapter IIIFestival

    Finntroll, Elvenking, Heidevolk, Skálmöld, Moonsorrow, Cruachan, Skyclad, Fen, Rannoch, Shadowflag, Elderseer, Deus Mori, Deadwood Lake
    GBR, Sheffield
  • HammerfestFestival

    Kamelot, Overkill, Paradise Lost, Cellar Darling, Flotsam and Jetsam, Skálmöld, Cruachan, Skyforger, Darkane, Black Moth, Pist.On, Ten Ton Slug, Absolva, Shrapnel, Desert Storm, Boss Keloid, Heathen Deity, Reign of Fury, Divine Chaos, Ward XVI, Arkham Witch, Kill II This, KRYSTHLA, Sworn Amongst, Master Charger, The Heretic Order, Fire Red Empress, Battalions, Old Corpse Road, Bloodyard, Ashen Crown, Zhora, Gévaudan, Iron SeaWolf, Winter Storm, I Saw The World Burn, Drakonis, Bearfist, Godstone, Lifer, Hanowar
    GBR, Great Yarmouth
  • Cruachan with Waylander and Skyclad at Button Factory

    Cruachan, Skyclad, Waylander
    Button Factory
    IRL, Dublin
    Club500 - 1.2K
  • Kaltenbach Open AirFestival

    The Black Dahlia Murder, Belphegor, Batushka, Nervosa, Toxic Holocaust, Goatwhore, Misery Index, Origin, Tsjuder, Hirax, Cruachan, Katalepsy, Broken Hope, Downfall Of Gaia, BØLZER, Waldgeflüster, doomas, Hypnos, Deathrite, Tortharry, Thormesis, Irdorath, Liquid Steel, Inhume, Poppy Seed Grinder, Steel Engraved, VARULV, Seduced, The Morphean, Veins of Suffering, Groteskh, Veil Of Deception, Dystrust, GUT
    AUT, Spital am Semmering
  • Motocultor FestivalFestival

    Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Jinjer, Behemoth, Alestorm, Ministry, Municipal Waste, The Black Dahlia Murder, Dying Fetus, Perturbator, DevilDriver, Myrkur, Comeback Kid, Belphegor, Ultra Vomit, Pelican, Turisas, Toxic Holocaust, Warbringer, Tagada Jones, Abbath, Ingested, Suicidal Angels, Stoned Jesus, Rendez-Vous, Popa Chubby, Phil Campbell and The Bastard Sons, Misery Index, Origin, Nashville Pussy, Trisomie 21, Hangman's Chair, Cruachan, Celeste, Cypecore, The Young Gods, Shining, Ereb Altor, Esben and the Witch, Les Tambours du Bronx, Necrowretch, Maid of Ace, Auðn, Sadistic Intent, Punish Yourself, Svart Crown, LÜT, Pillorian, Cult Of Occult, Nostromo, Sticky Boys, Implore, Ende, Promethee, Monolithe, The Lumberjack Feedback, Dehuman, Dead Bones Bunny, Heart Attack, Blockheads, Nesseria, Serenius, Möhrkvlth
    FRA, Saint-Nolff
  • Brutal Assault (08.08-11.08.2018)

    Gojira, Wardruna, Testament, Behemoth, Suicidal Tendencies, Ministry, Pain, Municipal Waste, Plini, Northlane, The Black Dahlia Murder, Paradise Lost, Dying Fetus, Perturbator, Carnifex, At The Gates, Belphegor, Marduk, Counterparts, Terror, Graveyard, Angelmaker, Brujeria, Converge, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Carpathian Forest, Ingested, Unleashed, Exhorder, Armored Saint, Full Of Hell, Ihsahn, Nasty, Mortiis, Pestilence, Misery Index, Origin, Saint Vitus, Novembers Doom, Hirax, Obscure Sphinx, Dragged Into Sunlight, Cruachan, Hate, Integrity, Unsane, Broken Hope, Wiegedood, Grave Pleasures, Dead Congregation, Tormentor, Whoredom Rife, BØLZER, Azarath, Act of Defiance, Pillorian, Malokarpatan, Aluk Todolo, Dodecahedron, Kurokuma, Neocaesar
    Pevnost Josefov
    CZE, Jaroměř
    Public / Outdoor5K - 10K
  • Brutal AssaultFestival

    Gojira, Wardruna, Testament, Behemoth, Suicidal Tendencies, Ministry, Pain, Municipal Waste, Plini, Northlane, The Black Dahlia Murder, Paradise Lost, Dying Fetus, Perturbator, Carnifex, At The Gates, Belphegor, Marduk, Counterparts, Terror, Graveyard, Angelmaker, Brujeria, Converge, Blood Incantation, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Carpathian Forest, Ingested, Unleashed, Exhorder, Armored Saint, Full Of Hell, Ihsahn, Nasty, Mortiis, Pestilence, Misery Index, Origin, Saint Vitus, Novembers Doom, Hirax, Obscure Sphinx, Dragged Into Sunlight, Cruachan, Hate, Celeste, Unsane, Nocturnus, Broken Hope, Wiegedood, Grave Pleasures, Dead Congregation, Tormentor, Whoredom Rife, Protector, Sadistic Intent, BØLZER, Azarath, Act of Defiance, Pillorian, Malokarpatan, Aluk Todolo, Arkhon Infaustus, Dodecahedron, Kurokuma, Wrathprayer, Neocaesar
    CZE, Jaroměř
  • Zobens un LemessFestival

    Moonsorrow, Cruachan, Auli, Skyforger, Metsatöll, Ereb Altor, Žalvarinis, Ūkanose, Deodium, Gods Tower, Vilki, Asphodelia, FOLCORE, Darrva, Oceanpath
    LVA, Riga