Faun, The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats, Finntroll, Batushka, Daridel, Waldkauz, Kupfergold, Qntal, Arkona, The Feelgood McLouds, Triddana, Finsterforst, Wolfenmond, The Moorings, XIV Dark Centuries, Forgotten North, Kanseil, Unshine, Vera Lux, Kallomäki, Tone Fish, FIRNDEU, Brande-Hörnerkirchen
Montelago Celtic FestivalFestival
Faun, Igorrr, The Sidh, Fiddler's Green, Corvus Corax, Percival Schuttenbach, Daridel, BardoMagno, Celkilt, The Rumpled, Furor Gallico, Rura, PLANTEC, Violons Barbares, An Dannsa Dub, Albaluna, Alzamantes, Lena Jonsson Trio, Massimo Giuntini, Gangar, 50 Celt, Whale Trip, Ar an Talamh, HaegenITA, Serravalle di Chienti
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