Denial of God at Musikhuset Posten
Denial of GodMusikhuset PostenDNK, Odense C
Denial of God at Rust
Denial of GodRustDNK, København N
Gorgoroth, Unleashed, Inquisition, Horna, Blasphemy, Craft, Misþyrming, Diocletian, Dodheimsgard, White Death, Aeternus, Acherontas, Inferno, Mysticum, Barathrum, Kroda, Black Altar, Corpsessed, Denial of God, Ifernach, Sarkrista, Ved Buens Ende, Deathchain, COMMANDER AGARES, Aegrus, Cadaveric Incubator, Marras, Infernal War, Thornspawn, Ereshkigal, AntimateriA, Chamber of Unlight, Licht des Urteils, Délétère, Hellbutcher, TorsofuckFIN, Hyvinkää
Taake, Deströyer 666, Inquisition, Sargeist, Horna, Mortuary Drape, Graveland, White Death, Warmoon Lord, Kalmankantaja, Morbosidad, Acherontas, Valkyrja, Totenwache, Corpus Christii, Denial of God, Akitsa, Doedsvangr, Sarkrista, Borgne, The Stone, Blood Chalice, Ars Veneficium, Alfahanne, Slagmaur, Aegrus, Blasfemia, Maquahuitl, Infernal War, Osculum Infame, THE MIST FROM THE MOUNTAINS, The Order of Apollyon, Iku-Turso, Morgal, AntimateriA, AzazelFIN, Hyvinkää
Dark Easter Metal MeetingFestival
Belphegor, Marduk, My Dying Bride, Grave, Messa, Bethlehem, Primordial, 1914, Naglfar, Ellende, MORK, Panzerfaust, Memoriam, Sulphur Aeon, Gaahls Wyrd, Imperium Dekadenz, Varathron, Mephorash, Wormwood, Demonical, Enisum, Root, Grave Desecrator, Crescent, Runemagick, Merrimack, Dordeduh, Denial of God, Ars Veneficium, Perchta, Vargsheim, EriduDEU, Munich
Metal Magic FestivalFestival
Illdisposed, Afsky, Rob Coffinshaker, Denial of God, Helvetets Port, Alien Force, Altar Of Oblivion, Withering Surface, Slaegt (Slægt), Ultra Silvam, Infest, Turbocharged, Crocell, Shaam Larein, Gabestok, Satan Worship, Furious Trauma, Drukner, ASCENDENCY, Hadron, World War 5, Goatsodomizer, Nervegas, Dead Void, Nigrum, DemonGrinder, WokehDNK, Fredericia
Denial Of God + Support: Nocturnal, Nekrovault
Denial of GodMusiktheater PianoDEU, Dortmund
Sequane FestFestival
Denial of God, Crimson Moon, Deathcode Society, Vortex of End, Possession, KarneFRA, Montbéliard
No Compromise Metal FestFestival
Hellripper, Denial of God, Solstice, Vultures Vengeance, Turbocharged, Sacrifizer, Tyrant's Kall, Sacral Night, Rust, Nekkromaniac, Destrukt, Maligno, Naked EvilBEL, Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont
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