Positive EducationFestival
Shlømo, Overmono, Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke, Helena Hauff, dBridge, Bambounou, Kahn, BATU, Pinch, African Head Charge, Aïsha Devi, Deena Abdelwahed, Lena Willikens, Polar Inertia, Simo Cell, Judah, Demdike Stare, DK, Valentino Mora, AUX 88, JASSS, Alessandro Adriani, Vladimir Ivkovic, Karenn, ZULI, The Pilotwings, Zaltan Antinote, DJ AMATO, Gábor Lázár, Theo Muller, mad miran, Sacha Mambo, Ertan V İsrafil, Beesmunt Soundsystem, Low Jack, Abschaum, Combe, AZF, Etienne, Ricco, Shlagga, The Driver, Mouloud, Heap, Kristiina Männikkö, DJ Hristo Peev, Lastrack, Loner, S.Y.R.O.BFRA, Saint-Étienne
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