Iceland AirwavesFestival
ian, Kenya Grace, Night Tapes, Vtoroi Ka(Второй Ка), jasmine.4.t, Antony Szmierek, Babymorocco, The Scratch, Colt, DEADLETTER, ratbag, Daniil, Mermaid Chunky, Floni, Izleifur, Gugusar, Elín Hall, Magnús Jóhann, So Good, EMMA, Valdimar, lúpína, Superkoloritas, Snorri Helgason, Sunna Margrét, The Orchestra (For Now), superserious, Fat Dog, KÁRI, KUSK, Jelena Ciric, Saint Pete, HASAR, Óviti, MILKYWHALE, TófaISL, Reykjavik
Garage Nation - Outdoor FestivalFestival
Benson Boone, Grupo Frontera, Rema, Ivan Cornejo, Megan Moroney, John Summit, hannah bahng, CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso, Koe Wetzel, St. Vincent, Ginuwine, Kaash Paige, Carpetman, Stephen Wilson Jr, John Fogerty, Sam Ryder, Nsqk, Niklas Dee, Charley Crockett, Band of Horses, Claire Rosinkranz, Chuwi, Everclear, Laila!, Aly & AJ, J.Tajor, Quin NFN, Twin Tribes, Caleb Calloway, Larkin Poe, Julien Baker, Confidence Man, Cloudy June, Beth McCarthy, Fleshwater, Yoke Lore, Samara Cyn, KARRAHBOOO, Tokio Myers, Anycia, Wacotron, Skaiwater, Jackie Venson, Jack's Mannequin, JC Stewart, Amantes del Futuro, Joe P, Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai (打首獄門同好会), AJ McQueen, Holy Fuck, Paravi, Sunflower Bean, Tommy Newport, The K's, DreTL, Shaé Universe, Alt Blk Era, Laurence Guy, Flor, Baths, Dune Rats, Nikki Lane, GALE, Freak Slug, Maruja, Shao Dow, Himalayas, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Priyanka, Master Peace, Lucero, Rattlesnake Milk, jasmine.4.t, Antony Szmierek, Mills, Pritt, The Droptines, Pacific Avenue, Gurriers, Honeyglaze, Ali, U.S. Girls, The Deslondes, Radio Free Alice, John R. Miller, Vines, Lizzie Berchie, AHI, Paula Prieto, Die Spitz, Key!, The Molotovs, Wishy, Ellur, Geographer, Enfants, Sonido Gallo Negro, Aiko, blood club, Frankie and the Witch Fingers, The Criticals, aja monet, Voxtrot, corto.alto, Soda Blonde, Daniela Pes, Kontravoid, mary in the junkyard, terraplana, Big Special, Chinese American Bear, THePETEBOX, The Philharmonik, Jennifer Cardini, Ras Kwame, Humbird, T MULLA, Sly5thAve, Essii, Portrayal of Guilt, Martin Eyerer, Cardinals, Nature TV, Jean Paul Medroa, BLACKGOLD, OneDa, Her New Knife, Jo Hill, VENUS GRRRLS, Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol, Cloth, Winnie Ama, CVC, Rowena Wise, Urban Heat, The Courettes, El Dusty, Pretty Boy Aaron, Mr. Pauer, VV Pete, Yndling, Hien, Sweeping Promises, untitled halo, Black Polish, Archer Oh, Suzanne Santo, Kai Ca$h, Makeout Reef, Sly Withers, Grace Sorensen, Bon Enfant, sedona, VivaOla, Man/Woman/Chainsaw, John Francis Flynn, Suave, DEJA, Haile, Finn Forster, Monobloc, Zamaera, Of Good Nature, TROOKO, El Culto Casero, Zeale, Dutch Interior, Dilettante, Sierra Spirit, Ny Oh, The OBGMs, Ailbhe Reddy, Mason Flint, La sécurité, YHWH Nailgun, Chaparelle, Tommy Stinson, John Primer, Elín Hall, Surely Shirley, Fango, oreglo, Gen and The Degenerates, Ian Moore, King Cruff, Dusted, Kimmortal, Steam Down, Snacktime, Bleary Eyed, Big Zeeks, Spike Hellis, Elizabeth Moen, Shower Curtain, SUSOBRINO, Quiet Light, SUSS, Bakers Eddy, Jennifer Touch, Revenge Wife, Baby Said, Morgan Munroe, Die Heiterkeit, fantasy of a broken heart, Sunnbrella, Taleen Kali, twst, Catcher, Kassidy, THE CHOPSTARS, Gus Englehorn, Dylan Flynn and the Dead Poets, The Rumble ft. Chief Joseph Boudreaux Jr., Delivery, VITAL POWERS, She Real, Jacob Alon, Lucy Sugerman, Karl Benjamin, Rudy De Anda, lúpína, LVVRS, Anastasia Hera, DJ Mel, GNDHI, Holy Wire, Living Hour, C.J. Chenier, Annie-Dog, Glaze, Soup, Madeleine, Lukah, Brodie Fresh, Ramya Pothuri, His His, Quinn the Brain, Amelia Coburn, Tribe Friday, Fourth Daughter, Laura Lee & The Jettes, Immersion, Hearty Har, Cortney Dixon, Runyu Qian, Nicolas McCoppin, Porcelain, Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas, Mellt, Stella Bridie, The Teeta, wiardon, Mall Girl, Sunna Margrét, Go Cactus, Wynona Bleach, Gloin, Lauren Lakis, The Fiends, RIOBAMBA, Strange Lot, Emmeline, Peterson Brothers, Gus Baldwin, Sofia Grant, Bobby Dove, MORDÁI, SAILOR POON, superserious, Consumables, UNIVERSITY, SOCIAL CINEMA, Shame Gang, KNDRX, Mujeres Podridas, Nara's Room, MUGGER, Really Good Time, Mike Melinoe, Tellavision, J Soulja, Olivia Komahcheet, Fullee Love, Redbud, Magic Rockers of Texas, Eric Heideman, Caleb De Casper, Campfire social, Cruzloma, ADJUA, Christian Bland & The Revelators, joaqu.n, Tiberius, The Dumes, Eagle Claw, Slash Need, Flesh of Morning, Harvest Thieves, Chief Cleopatra, Joelton Mayfield, Schatzi, Last Waltzon, Truck Violence, Yoshika Colwell, DJ Bizzle Bluebland, Pavey Ark, Texas String Assembly, William Harries Graham, Queen Serene, Black Fondu, CLUB COMA, alsoknownasrox, Hunch, Casper Allen, Mark Barden, Tear Dungeon, The Coffee Sergeants, Red Stamp, JaRon Marshall, luvis, Rialto, Daydream TwinsGBR, Croydon
SXSW: South by SouthwestFestival
Carpetman, Carter Vail, Sam Ryder, Aiko, Princess Superstar, J.Tajor, ALI, The Ting Tings, Justin Morales, Teo Glacier, Big Freedia, Cloudy June, Beth McCarthy, Darkovibes, Twin Shadow, Vraell, Nilipek., Cari Cari, Nektunez, Sweet Spine, Flor, Dune Rats, Ashes To Amber, Freak Slug, Maruja, Shao Dow, Himalayas, quinn, Vanessa Zamora, Master Peace, Wade Forster, jasmine.4.t, Yasmin Williams, Sarah Klang, Glue Trip, Elephant Kind, Kučka, Boo Seeka, Gurriers, Honeyglaze, Chace, Cap Carter, Yuuf, Vines, Lizzie Berchie, AHI, JD Clayton, Paula Prieto, Ellur, Geographer, Kap Bambino, Borderline, The Criticals, corto.alto, Soda Blonde, Daniela Pes, Los Eclipses, mary in the junkyard, Big Special, Chinese American Bear, The Philharmonik, Edgar Alejandro, The Vanns, T MULLA, Sly5thAve, 2fox, Ken Pomeroy, Judy Blank, Nature TV, LAKE, feardorian, BLACKGOLD, Jasmine Wesley, OneDa, Her New Knife, VENUS GRRRLS, Cloth, Winnie Ama, CVC, Rowena Wise, The Courettes, Aili, VV Pete, Yndling, Volcan, Madeleine, Amiture, Flawless Issues, Black Polish, Archer Oh, Polo Perks <3 <3 <3, Sly Withers, Mhaol, Mint Field, Tagua Tagua, Personal Trainer, Man/Woman/Chainsaw, Frankie Venter, John Francis Flynn, Babas tutsipop, Monobloc, Damaris Bojor, Zamaera, Fake Dad, El Culto Casero, Dilettante, Sierra Spirit, Ny Oh, The OBGMs, Ailbhe Reddy, La sécurité, Summer Pearl, Strawberry Launch, Housewife, Steve Wynn, Elín Hall, Surely Shirley, oreglo, Gen and The Degenerates, Loverman, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Famous, Bee Blackwell, Dusted, Little Moon, Steam Down, Bleary Eyed, Big Zeeks, Population II, SUSOBRINO, Hachiku, shishi, Holly Arrowsmith, Yung D3mz, Bakers Eddy, tamanaramen, Jennifer Touch, Morgan Munroe, Die Heiterkeit, fantasy of a broken heart, Sunnbrella, XIXA, Meltheads, The Tiarras, twst, Catcher, Maryze, Gus Englehorn, Delivery, Woomb, Dr. Pushkin, yoo doo right, Joan & the Giants, Levin goes lightly, Kanaan, Jacob Alon, Lucy Sugerman, Karl Benjamin, Squid The Kid, lúpína, Altre Di B, Graham Reynolds, Monsoon, Sex Week, Miranda and the Beat, Fashion Club, Nemegata, PyPy, Redolent, Lola Moxom, Fourth Daughter, Laura Lee & The Jettes, TVOD, C4, No Windows, Big Phony, Sir Jude, Mellt, Stella Bridie, Cotton Mather, Midnight Navy, Bummer Camp, Mall Girl, West Texas Exiles, badfocus, Sunna Margrét, Go Cactus, Perennial, Wynona Bleach, Gloin, Lauren Lakis, Emmeline, Cliffords, Ava Vegas, HER SKIN, Mad Madmen, SKATELAND, Sofia Grant, MORDÁI, Consumables, Magna, Really Good Time, CDSM, knitting, My Son the Doctor, Caleb De Casper, Campfire social, Cruzloma, Guardian Singles, ADJUA, Water Damage, Wes Denzel, Slash Need, Annie-Claude Deschênes, Emily Frembgen, Joelton Mayfield, Last Waltzon, Truck Violence, Millian, Pavey Ark, tiger bae, Weird Bloom, Julie Nolen, Alix Fernz, Ki!, Bold Love, simmcat, Nive Nielsen, HEAL, Jopy, JaRon Marshall, Arsun, luvis, Shiho Yabuki, Daydream Twins, Scarlet House, Frederick BoomUSA, Austin
Iceland AirwavesFestival
Ravyn Lenae, Magdalena Bay, Villano Antillano, SHYGIRL, The Vaccines, Overmono, Lambrini Girls, Saya Gray, English Teacher, The Joy, Gabríel Ólafs, orbit, IZARO, bar italia, Alice Longyu Gao, Sóley, Charlotte Adigéry, Dina Ögon, BOLIS PUPUL, mary in the junkyard, Anish Kumar, CumGirl8, Arnór Dan, Wu-Lu, eee gee, Vevaki, Opus Kink, Personal Trainer, Monobloc, Llynks, GDRN, Sila Lua, Hjálmar, Úlfur Úlfur, Elín Hall, FreeKind, Loverman, Mandy, Indiana, Sofi Paez, Kaktus Einarsson, Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul, JOY, lúpína, Marius Ziska, Une Misere, NonyKingz, Hildur, INSPECTOR SPACETIME, UCHE YARA, Pétur Ben, Klemens Hannigan, FLOTT, Sunna Margrét, Sycamore Tree, Prewn, Spacestation, Dania O. Tausen, K.óla, BEAR THE ANT, supersport!, Teitur Magnússon, Migluma, DJ Margeir, Celebs, Jasmine Netsena, Jónfrí, MRCY, virgin orchestra, Múr, Skrattar, Roshildur, Minus, Bria Rose, Juno Paul, Matthildur, Sundog, BenefitsISL, Reykjavik
Iceland AirwavesFestival
Kneecap, Ghostly Kisses, Bombay Bicycle Club, Balming Tiger, Daði Freyr, Trentemøller, DOMi & JD Beck, Blondshell, Cassia, ÁSDÍS, Squid, Gaidaa, Andy Shauf, Fran Vasilić, Dustin O'Halloran, Yard Act, Marketa Irglova, Axel Flóvent, Sprints, SKAAR, The Haunted Youth, FETISH, Lime garden, Hatari, Eydís Evensen, Arny Margret, Sandrayati, Nanna, Jonathan Hultén, Whispering Sons, Faux Real, JFDR, Donkey Kid, Mugison, Daniil, JJ Paulo, Gugusar, Anjimile, Elín Hall, Superjava, ClubDub, Una Torfa, Gallus, Ash Olsen, The Goa Express, Anna Gréta, madmadmad, Slowshift, LÓN, Love'n'Joy, Gkr, Kristin Sesselja, Caleb Kunle, Hekla, CYBER is CRAP, Sigrun Stella, Sunna Margrét, superserious, Soffía Björg, Monikaze, Tappi Tíkarrass, Greyskies, Tilbury, Mick Strauss, ÖNNU JÓNU SON, GRÓA, EX.GIRLS, Myrkvi, Celebs, KUSK, Jelena Ciric, KARÍTAS, Warmland, Kári, neonme, Óviti, KÓNGULÓ, Kvikindi, FókusISL, Reykjavik
supersport! at The Shacklewell Arms
Elín Hall, Greyskies, supersport!The Shacklewell ArmsGBR, London
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