Lost In Music FestivalFestival
Poets of the Fall, JVG, Blind Channel, Benjamin, Lauri Haav, New Ro, Costee, Betraying The Martyrs, Siamese, Retropop, Irina, Pariisin Kevät, Maustetytöt, CYAN KICKS, Puuluup, Shrezzers, Felix Zenger, Tuuletar, Antti Autio, Temple Balls, Aphyxion, Olivera, Jesse Markin, Simon alexander, Elias Gould, The Blanko, Sturle Dagsland, Laura Moisio, Joviac, Red Eleven, The Hearing, Iron Country Sisters, Helhorse, Gabriel Lion, Aki Rissanen, Block Buster, GHOST WORLD, Onni Boi, Terri, PASA, Fredrik Furu, PASTORIPIKE, Detalji, Mafia Honey, Lac Belot, Dallas Kalevala, UnderSideFIN, Tampere
Helhorse at Hotel Cecil
HelhorseHotel CecilDNK, København K
Helhorse at Pitcher
HelhorsePitcherDEU, Dusseldorf
Siamese (DK), Helhorse, Defecto (DK), and Aphyxion at Backstage (September 30, 2018)
Siamese, Aphyxion, HelhorseBackstage MunichDEU, Munich
Siamese (DK), Helhorse, Defecto (DK), and Aphyxion at Hellraiser (September 29, 2018)
Siamese, Aphyxion, HelhorseHellraiser LeipzigDEU, Leipzig
Siamese (DK), Helhorse, Defecto (DK), and Aphyxion at Muziekcafé Helmond (September 28, 2018)
Siamese, Aphyxion, HelhorseMuziekcafé HelmondNLD, Helmond
Siamese (DK), Helhorse, Defecto (DK), and Aphyxion at Patronaat (September 27, 2018)
Siamese, Aphyxion, HelhorsePatronaat HaarlemNLD, Haarlem
Siamese (DK), Helhorse, Defecto (DK), and Aphyxion at Logo (September 26, 2018)
Siamese, Aphyxion, HelhorseLogoDEU, Hamburg
Siamese (DK), Helhorse, Defecto (DK), and Aphyxion at Musik & Frieden (September 25, 2018)
Siamese, Aphyxion, HelhorseMusik & FriedenDEU, Berlin
Siamese with Helhorse and Aphyxion at Boston Music Room
Aphyxion, HelhorseBoston Music RoomGBR, London
Siamese (DK) and Helhorse at Train (September 14, 2018)
Siamese, HelhorseTrain NatklubDNK, Aarhus C
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