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  • Electric Love Music FestivalFestival

    Wolfgang Gartner, Croatia Squad, Father Funk, Serial Killaz, Neon Steve, RUMPUS, Kermode, Reel Wolf, Dieselboy, Adham Shaikh, Reid Speed, Abstrakt Sonance, Shade k, WBBL, Def3, Marcus Visionary, Woofax, Longwalkshortdock, Royal Blood (SP), Kytami, Joe Nice, Bezonance, Geo AKA the voice, Jgarrett, Konka, I Know Karate, Mt. Doyle, KÖL, Calico, N8 Douce, Eddie Santini, Phonik Ops, New Girl, SEAN DIMITRIE, BRUKOUT, Dan Snakehead, CHACHØU, Leo Zen, LeonV, Judge Ming, Carissa Gem, Cameron St Denis, J.F. Killah, Jellynote, Dark Arps, Quantum Twitch, Cody The Catch, Ollie Ple, DJ All Good, Disco Don, SHRKY, MURPO, Melfunction, SpunLogic, Dee Bass, Enzyme, Dare2Funk, Pul5e, Jon Sinfonik, Danish, King Tragedy, Miss KosmiK, Bentleaf, KALEIDO, DJ Jollay, Robbi Em, Tungsten Crook, JOD, Zero Disbelief, E-Villy, Galactic Hobos, Panda Inc., Downshift, Goa Pete, DJ Patrick Kelly, Vortoozo, Dok Auk, MOG, TASTY LIX, Jay Meehan, Jayroh, Oncilla, Infectious, Katsuo, Sunil Dua, Mutant Machine, LUNNA
    CAN, Okanagan-Similkameen
  • Electric Love FestivalFestival

    Baauer, Modestep, The Crystal Method, MARTEN HØRGER, TOKiMONSTA, Sikdope, Dirtyphonics, Black Sun Empire, Ed Solo, Phibes, John 00 Fleming, Juno Reactor, Truth, Special Ed, Dodge & Fuski, Dave Seaman, TC, Moontricks, The Funk Hunters, Slynk, DJ Dan, Neon Steve, Ray Keith, Stickybuds, Kermode, Crissy Criss, K+Lab, Adham Shaikh, The Arcturians, Defunk, JVST SAY YES, SkiiTour, Abstrakt Sonance, Pigeon Hole, Doc Martin, JIQUI, Khiva, Karsten Sollors, Chief State, Jay Tripwire, Wes Smith, Coltcuts, Woofax, Tripzy Leary, Longwalkshortdock, Sivz, Kytami, GDubz (CAN), Velocity, The Faceplants, Anchorage, DJ Cubixx, Neighbour, Allya, DJ Capital J, Greazus, Emotionz, Wes Please, Club Sofa, Sara Sukkha, Kasey Riot, I Know Karate, AppleCat, Mt. Doyle, Gold bullets, Outsider, Joel West, Dan Snakehead, Agent 137, Queensyze, The Decoys, Bag-O-Beetz, TIG3R HOOD$, Dark Arps, On The Frontline, Alex Mei, The Fulcrum, Ollie Ple, The GOAT, Lucid afterlife, BRUKOUT, Doprah Spinfree, Galactic Hobos, DAZEY, Waves Crash Down, Clinical Trials, Goa Pete, Auto, Katsuo, Joseph Martin, JGirl & Manousos
    AUT, Plainfeld
  • Love Music FestivalFestival

    Baauer, Modestep, The Crystal Method, MARTEN HØRGER, TOKiMONSTA, Sikdope, Dirtyphonics, Black Sun Empire, Ed Solo, Phibes, John 00 Fleming, Juno Reactor, Truth, Special Ed, Dodge & Fuski, Dave Seaman, TC, Moontricks, The Funk Hunters, Slynk, DJ Dan, Neon Steve, Ray Keith, Stickybuds, Kermode, Crissy Criss, Adham Shaikh, The Arcturians, Defunk, JVST SAY YES, Dan Shake, SkiiTour, Pigeon Hole, Doc Martin, Khiva, Karsten Sollors, Chief State, Jay Tripwire, Wes Smith, Coltcuts, Woofax, Tripzy Leary, Longwalkshortdock, Sivz, Kytami, The Faceplants, DJ Cubixx, ABSTRAKT, Neighbour, Bezonance, DJ Capital J, Greazus, Emotionz, Wes Please, Club Sofa, Sara Sukkha, Kasey Riot, I Know Karate, AppleCat, Mt. Doyle, Outsider, Agent 137, Queensyze, The Decoys, Bag-O-Beetz, TIG3R HOOD$, Dark Arps, On The Frontline, Alex Mei, Ollie Ple, nils, 2Budz, Lucid afterlife, BRUKOUT, Doprah Spinfree, DAZEY, Waves Crash Down, Clinical Trials, Anchorage, Joseph Martin, JGirl & Manousos
    DEU, Magdeburg