Crippled Fingers at Klub 007 Strahov
Crippled Fingers, Inception of FallKlub 007 StrahovCZE, Prague
Athiria at Klub Melodka
Inception of Fall, AthiriaKlub MelodkaCZE, Brno
Agressive Music FestFestival
Crippled Fingers, Omega Diatribe, Silius, Inception of Fall, Archaic, Warbell, Fleshless, Needless, Nefalem, Fearancy, Landscape of Shadows, Macheta, Plán To Kill, Sadistic Hannibal, Inverted Mind, Frantic Beth, SPITE Inc., Wingless, INPAINCZE, Pohoří
Agressive Music FestFestival
Inception of Fall, INNERSPHERE, Exorcizphobia, Vanguard, Tortharry, Nocturnal Pestilence, V.A.R., Diligence, Neurotic Machinery, KAAR, Blankvers, Tartaro:s, Cycles of Revocation, The OptionsCZE, Pohoří
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