Infected's Concerts


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  • Dirty Skunks FestFestival

    Gutalax, Dethrone The Corrupted, Neuromancer, Pigs Parlament, SBO, Siderean, Dekadent, Mist, Infected, Eruption, Ashine, Pink Panker, Kamra, Reach A.D., Sakrabolt, BibliBan, Britof, Spirits of Stygia, Suzi Soprano, Agan, It's everyone else, White Pagoda, AUTO, Decair, The Cogs, CarlxJohnson, Smedja in Smetke, The Mor(R)ons, Monstrumental, Smrt, Gründ, Kaoz, Dust Collector, In Heaven, Gužva u bajt, Strayaway, Grob, Blackoutt, Nefarious Vermin, Everything Goes, Iamdisease, Human Host Body, Usil, 80s Crew
    SVN, Ljubljana
  • Artan Lili and Infected at Kino Šiška

    Artan Lili, Infected
    Kino Šiška
    SVN, Ljubljana
    Hall500 - 1.2K
  • Infected at MCC Celjski Mladinski Center

    MCC Celjski Mladinski Center
    SVN, Celje
    Other0 - 500
  • Demolition Group + Infected at Hangar Bar

    Demolition Group, Infected
    Hangar Bar
    SVN, Izola
    Bar0 - 500
  • TrNOVfest - Viperstone & Infected & Renata Mohorič & ICE at Center Slovanskih Kultur France Prešeren

    Viperstone, Infected, I.C.E., Renata Mohorič
    Center Slovanskih Kultur France Prešeren
    SVN, Ljubljana
    Other0 - 500
  • INmusic FestivalFestival

    The Cure, LP, Fontaines D.C., Foals, Garbage, Thievery Corporation, Peter Bjorn and John, The Hives, Skindred, Suede, Kurt Vile, Frank Turner, Johnny Marr, Zeal & Ardor, The K's, Siddharta, Black Honey, Lysistrata, Super Besse, Bang Bang, Kandžija, Gato Preto, JoyCut, Mangroove, Klinika Denisa Kataneca, Kojoti, The Ills, Chasing Nord, Run SOFA, Infected, Gatuzo, Phantasmagoria, One Possible Option, The Gentleman, The Black Room, Kevlar Bikini, Tús Nua, Mel Camino, Paul The Walrus, Stephany Stefan, Billie Joan, And The Kid, Edi East Trance Blues, dno., Ichabod, DJ Ilko & DJ Veles
    HRV, Zagreb
  • Infected (Z/mešani festival) at Jazz Klub Satchmo

    Jazz Klub Satchmo
    SVN, Maribor
    Club0 - 500
  • ŠOUROCK '19: V živo je živo! at Štuk

    Infected, Fat Butlers, Spotless Minds, 7ate9, Bajta 23, Apory Museum
    SVN, Maribor
    Club500 - 1.2K
  • Infected: Ekskluzivni akustični koncert z gosti at Wetrinsky

    SVN, Maribor
    Bar0 - 500
  • ŠOUROCK '19: V živo je živo! at Štuk

    Buržuazija, Infected, Ice on Fire, Smooth Taste, Amok
    SVN, Maribor
    Club500 - 1.2K
  • Okužena Ljubljana: Infected predstavljajo Kolaž at Orto Bar

    Orto Bar
    SVN, Ljubljana
    Bar0 - 500
  • Infected at Pisarna

    SVN, Maribor
    Other0 - 500
  • Infected at Udarnik

    Infected, LASYE
    Kino Udarnik
    SVN, Maribor
    Hall0 - 500