Corvus Corax, Ye Banished Privateers, Rapalje, Irdorath, Irfan, PerKelt, Cesair, Harmony Glen, Pyrolysis, The Royal Spuds, Ball Noir, La Horde, Plunder, ORONLD, Lisse
Autumn MoonFestival
Heilung, Alcest, Project Pitchfork, Sólstafir, Cellar Darling, Nachtmahr, Pink Turns Blue, Ye Banished Privateers, Solitary Experiments, Rome, Priest, God Module, Frozen Plasma, Vlad in Tears, Das Ich, Unzucht, OMNIMAR, CygnosiC, Corlyx, Snow White Blood, Irfan, C-Lekktor, Rroyce, Goethes Erben, Illuminate, Merciful Nuns, Girls Under Glass, V2A, Siva Six, Tibetréa, Kowalski, Forgotten North, Coma Alliance, The Mescaline Babies, VV & The Void, John Kanaka & The Jack Tars, Nachtsucher, microClocks, The Dark, Patient, Patient, The Sigourney Weavers, Dark Side Eons, BURN, QFTDEU, Hamelin
Kapana FestFestival
Irfan, Preyah, Merudia, Conrad Herwig, Kottarashky, The Lefties, LEONTAS, Sky White Tiger, Acoustic Corporation, MND TRCKBGR, Plovdiv
Faun, Eivør, The Sidh, Sowulo, Rapalje, Prima Nocta, Árstíðir, Waldkauz, The Moon and the Nightspirit, Irfan, Coppelius, PerKelt, Kaunan, The Dolmen, La Maisnie HellequinNLD, Lisse
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