Sharpe FestivalFestival
Shao Dow, Dusan Vlk, Berlin Manson, Tangerinecat, Zevin, Siamese Elephants, FVLCRVM, HOPE, Lash & Grey, Wczasy, Æ MAK, Nemeček, Lake Jons, Toyota Vangelis, Blame Your Genes, Greyshadow, Izzy and the Black Trees, Public Display of Affection, krapka KOMA, CLOUDSURFERS, Kalaallit Nunaat, Planeta Polar, Stroon, ZIMBRU, Magro, Vojdi, Laura Weng, Meowlau X Val, 52 Hertz Whale, Karaoke Tundra, BoLs/sLoB, SJ Yellow, FOM, Karol Mikloš, Small Town Life, Ariel Tintar, C4AT, Buy Her Sugar, Alapastel, Dvidevat, AGAAMA, XCES, Alley Catss, Krstni otcovia, Boh Vajec, Boris Vitazek, Taupe, Charms Kids, Päfgens, Stéphane Clor, Fairycore Syndicate, Marí, Ondrej Zajac, Matwe Drappenmadchenfeller, Warhorse, Jozef Krupa Quartet, TaomiSVK, Bratislava
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