Metal Magic FestivalFestival
Girlschool, Incantation, Midnight, Enthroned, Saturnus, Satan, Mystifier, Bütcher, Grave Pleasures, Coven, Wolvennest, Demon Head, Killing, Impalers, St. Digue, Craven Idol, Hexenbrett, Pectora, Deiquisitor, Grusom, Crocell, Pleaser, Dead Kosmonaut, Lipid, Decorticate, Stikkersvin, Genocide Doctrine, Arkæon, Chaotian, Sabathan, KampDNK, Fredericia
Nordic NoiseFestival
Black Oak County, Killing, Boys From Heaven, Chronicle, I'LL BE DAMNED, Freddy and the Phantoms, Justify Rebellion, AnoxiaDNK, København S
Metal Magic FestivalFestival
Angel Witch, Vulture, Tormentor, Hyperdontia, Medieval Steel, Chevalier, Phrenelith, Demon Head, Killing, NyreDolk, Ascended Dead, Sunken, Ved Buens Ende, Impetuous Ritual, Tainted Lady, Silhouette, Slaegt (Slægt), Dark Sky Choir, Armory, Deiquisitor, Deus Otiosus, Völva, Deadflesh, Alucarda, Tongues, Shamash, Shadow Storm, Source, Black OathDNK, Fredericia
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