Yaga GatheringFestival
Slogan, Zombies In Miami, Roe Deers, BĘÃTFÓØT, Imba, Migloko, DJ JM, Joseph Tagliabue, Afrodelic, Patricia Kokett, SUNFLOWER, Nikita von Tiraspol, Virtual Geisha, Savana, Awlnight, Simas Okas, MISHÉLL, Clicklounge, INKASSO, Monika Seta, SMPL SMPL, Momoko, Hìldå, Exoternal, Jogaila, Yon Eta, Jelisejev, Forgotten Plants, Klex, Edvoo, EVO, 23suspect, Double Top, Marius Va, Tom Svtgl, Shivanki, Roudtraxx, MijuLTU, ValkininkaiBaltic Jazz FestivalFestival
The Sounds, Heine Hansen, Pepe Willberg, The Schwings Band, Migloko, Stephanie Trick, Bjarke Falgren, Mikael Konttinen, Mette Juul, Chapter 11, Walt Miguel, Antti Sarpila Swing Band, Archipelago, Paolo Alderighi, Marian Petrescu, Apollo Orchestra, SoulSisters, Reunion Big Band, Seppo Hovi, Pekka Toivanen, SunCity Bluesbreakers, Beauties and the BeatFIN, KimitoönGalapagaiFestival
Tom Walker, JP Cooper, Alice Merton, Dubioza kolektiv, Free Finga, Lilas ir Innomine, Justinas Jarutis, Beissoul & Einius, Beatrich, Vidas Bareikis, Solo Ansamblis, DJ Click, The Sneekers, Despotin Fam, Karpiz, Happyendless, Junior A, The Bad Tones, Migloko, Baltic Balkan, Timid Kooky, The Station, Meandi, Gonsofus, PAI X, Ektoplazma, Markas Palubenka, Mr. Proper DJ, Tillae, IALAZ, Gorddino, MC Mesijus, Garbanotas BosistasLTU, Zarasai
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