Monobloc's Concerts


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  • Monobloc at The Lexington

    The Lexington
    GBR, London
    Bar0 - 500
  • Musilac Aix-les-BainsFestival

    DJ Snake, Soprano, Fontaines D.C., Hoshi, Julien Doré, Clara Luciani, Adèle Castillon, Zaho de Sagazan, Air, SANTA, L'Impératrice, Amyl and the Sniffers, The Last Dinner Party, Apashe, MEUTE, Vendredi Sur Mer, Jean-Louis Aubert, Mc Solaar, Yoa, Benjamin Clementine, Orange Blossom, Isaac Delusion, Philippe Katerine, Boston Bun, Clara Ysé, Adé, Les Wampas, Chalk, Bonnie Banane, Emile Londonien, Enola Gay, Monobloc, Simone Ringer, THÉA
    FRA, Aix-les-Bains
  • Monobloc at The Rockwell

    The Rockwell
    USA, Somerville
    Hall0 - 500
  • Monobloc at Schubas Tavern

    Schubas Tavern
    USA, Chicago
    Bar0 - 500
  • Garage Nation - Outdoor FestivalFestival

    Benson Boone, Grupo Frontera, Rema, Ivan Cornejo, Megan Moroney, John Summit, CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso, Koe Wetzel, hannah bahng, Ginuwine, Kaash Paige, St. Vincent, Carpetman, Stephen Wilson Jr, John Fogerty, Sam Ryder, Nsqk, Chuwi, Niklas Dee, Charley Crockett, Robert Palmer, Maz, Claire Rosinkranz, Band of Horses, DOPE LEMON, Everclear, Laila!, Aly & AJ, J.Tajor, Quin NFN, Twin Tribes, Larkin Poe, Caleb Calloway, LUCY, Cloudy June, Julien Baker, Confidence Man, Big Freedia, Grace Bowers & The Hodge Podge, Holy Fuck, Beth McCarthy, Yoke Lore, Samara Cyn, Fleshwater, KARRAHBOOO, Skaiwater, Anycia, Wacotron, Jackie Venson, Tokio Myers, Jack's Mannequin, JC Stewart, Amantes del Futuro, AJ McQueen, Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai (打首獄門同好会), Paravi, Joe P, Sunflower Bean, Cari Cari, Shaé Universe, Tommy Newport, High On Fire, The K's, Sweet Spine, Laurence Guy, Flor, Baths, Dune Rats, Freak Slug, Alt Blk Era, Master Peace, Nikki Lane, Antony Szmierek, GALE, Ashes To Amber, Rattlesnake Milk, Shao Dow, Maruja, jasmine.4.t, Himalayas, DreTL, quinn, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Lucero, Priyanka, Improvement Movement, Gurriers, John Roseboro, Mills, Ali, Honeyglaze, Pritt, The Droptines, Pacific Avenue, U.S. Girls, The Deslondes, Billy Woods, Lizzie Berchie, John R. Miller, Paula Prieto, Wishy, Enfants, Sofie Royer, Vines, Geographer, AHI, Die Spitz, Ellur, Radio Free Alice, Key!, terraplana, Wand, Being Dead, The Criticals, The Molotovs, Frankie and the Witch Fingers, Sonido Gallo Negro, aja monet, Daniela Pes, blood club, Soda Blonde, Aiko, Kontravoid, Voxtrot, Briscoe, Chinese American Bear, The Philharmonik, Flagman, Sly5thAve, mary in the junkyard, THePETEBOX, Big Special, Ken Pomeroy, Portrayal of Guilt, Jennifer Cardini, Essii, Cardinals, Humbird, T MULLA, VENUS GRRRLS, Martin Eyerer, Nature TV, Madame Gandhi, WIFIGAWD, Rowena Wise, corto.alto, Grace Sorensen, Jean Paul Medroa, BLACKGOLD, Winnie Ama, Her New Knife, Jay Putty, Cloth, Ras Kwame, Jo Hill, The Courettes, CVC, OneDa, Gully Boys, Urban Heat, Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol, feardorian, VV Pete, sedona, Makeout Reef, El Dusty, Pretty Boy Aaron, Kai Ca$h, untitled halo, Archer Oh, Black Polish, Mr. Pauer, Hien, Yndling, John Francis Flynn, Sweeping Promises, Suzanne Santo, Bon Enfant, Polo Perks <3 <3 <3, Sly Withers, Monobloc, YHWH Nailgun, Man/Woman/Chainsaw, Dutch Interior, VivaOla, Dead Gowns, Haile, Suave, Personal Trainer, DEJA, Duncan Fellows, Finn Forster, Benji Hughes, La sécurité, Sierra Spirit, Of Good Nature, Chaparelle, El Culto Casero, Direct Hit!, Zamaera, Ny Oh, Gen and The Degenerates, Zeale, TROOKO, Mason Flint, The OBGMs, SUSOBRINO, Benét, Annabelle Chairlegs, Ailbhe Reddy, oreglo, Riverboat Gamblers, John Primer, youbet, Dilettante, King Cruff, Good Looks, Tommy Stinson, Kimmortal, Elín Hall, Fango, Steam Down, Spike Hellis, Ian Moore, Shower Curtain, Snacktime, Bleary Eyed, MX LONELY, Dusted, fantasy of a broken heart, Baby Said, Revenge Wife, Bakers Eddy, Die Heiterkeit, Big Zeeks, SUSS, Jennifer Touch, Surely Shirley, Sunnbrella, Escape from the ZOO, Morgan Munroe, Quiet Light, Draag, Delivery, Meltheads, Betty Taylor, Elizabeth Moen, THE CHOPSTARS, Taleen Kali, Catcher, Gus Englehorn, twst, Dylan Flynn and the Dead Poets, Cashier, Brennan Wedl, Acid Baby Jesus, Teens in Trouble, Kassidy, Rudy De Anda, The Marked Men, VITAL POWERS, Lucy Sugerman, Amelia Coburn, Karl Benjamin, LVVRS, talker, Glaze, Brutus VIII, lúpína, Native Sun, Miranda and the Beat, The Rumble ft. Chief Joseph Boudreaux Jr., C.J. Chenier, Holy Wire, Living Hour, DJ Mel, Jad Fair, Soup, Peelander-Z, Madeleine, PyPy, Annie-Dog, Runyu Qian, Lukah, Anastasia Hera, Brodie Fresh, Laura Lee & The Jettes, His His, Ramya Pothuri, Quinn the Brain, GNDHI, Immersion, Jacob Alon, Fourth Daughter, Hans Gruber and The Die Hards, Tribe Friday, Cortney Dixon, She Real, Hearty Har, Sir Jude, Bummer Camp, Porcelain, Debt Neglector, Nicolas McCoppin, Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas, Mall Girl, Mellt, Gloin, Emmeline, Consumables, Big Girl, Gus Baldwin, The Teeta, Go Cactus, BatBoy, UNIVERSITY, Stella Bridie, Sofia Grant, Bobby Dove, Jon Langford, Perennial, Bedridden, Wynona Bleach, HIGH WAISTED, The Dreaded Laramie, wiardon, The Fiends, Strange Lot, Peterson Brothers, RIOBAMBA, SOCIAL CINEMA, Lauren Lakis, SAILOR POON, The Pinky Rings, Really Good Time, Nara's Room, Guardian Singles, MORDÁI, MUGGER, superserious, Truck Violence, Slash Need, Cruzloma, Mujeres Podridas, Mike Melinoe, KNDRX, The Dumes, Tellavision, My Son the Doctor, Redbud, Shame Gang, Magic Rockers of Texas, knitting, ADJUA, Drakulas, Campfire social, J Soulja, Sunna Margrét, bashful, Fullee Love, Caleb De Casper, Reconciler, Last Waltzon, Eric Heideman, Suck Brick Kid, Sir Echo, Christian Bland & The Revelators, Olivia Komahcheet, joaqu.n, Yoshika Colwell, Pavey Ark, Eagle Claw, Harvest Thieves, Tiberius, Chief Cleopatra, Pedazo De Carne Con Ojo, Schatzi, Flesh of Morning, Joelton Mayfield, Black Fondu, Texas String Assembly, DJ Bizzle Bluebland, William Harries Graham, Queen Serene, CLUB COMA, Working Class Stiffs, alsoknownasrox, Hunch, Casper Allen, Mark Barden, Tear Dungeon, The Coffee Sergeants, luvis, JaRon Marshall, Rialto, Red Stamp, Daydream Twins
    GBR, Croydon
  • Monobloc at The Blue Room at 3rd Man

    The Blue Room at 3rd Man
    USA, Nashville
    Club500 - 1.2K
  • Monobloc at The Earl

    The Earl
    USA, Atlanta
    Bar0 - 500
  • SXSW: South by SouthwestFestival

    Carpetman, Sam Ryder, Carter Vail, Aiko, J.Tajor, ALI, Princess Superstar, The Ting Tings, Justin Morales, Cloudy June, Teo Glacier, Big Freedia, Beth McCarthy, Darkovibes, Twin Shadow, Vraell, Cari Cari, Nilipek., Sweet Spine, Flor, Dune Rats, Freak Slug, Nektunez, Master Peace, Ashes To Amber, Shao Dow, Maruja, jasmine.4.t, Himalayas, Yasmin Williams, quinn, Wade Forster, Vanessa Zamora, Sarah Klang, Glue Trip, Gurriers, Kučka, Honeyglaze, Boo Seeka, Elephant Kind, Chace, Yuuf, Lizzie Berchie, Paula Prieto, Kap Bambino, Vines, Geographer, JD Clayton, AHI, Ellur, Cap Carter, The Criticals, Daniela Pes, Soda Blonde, Borderline, Edgar Alejandro, Los Eclipses, Chinese American Bear, The Philharmonik, Sly5thAve, mary in the junkyard, The Vanns, Big Special, Ken Pomeroy, T MULLA, VENUS GRRRLS, 2fox, Jasmine Wesley, Nature TV, Rowena Wise, corto.alto, LAKE, BLACKGOLD, Winnie Ama, Her New Knife, Cloth, The Courettes, CVC, OneDa, Judy Blank, Aili, feardorian, Tagua Tagua, VV Pete, Madeleine, Amiture, Mhaol, Archer Oh, Black Polish, Flawless Issues, Volcan, Yndling, John Francis Flynn, Polo Perks <3 <3 <3, Sly Withers, Monobloc, Frankie Venter, Babas tutsipop, Man/Woman/Chainsaw, Mint Field, Personal Trainer, La sécurité, Damaris Bojor, Sierra Spirit, Cliffords, El Culto Casero, Zamaera, Ny Oh, Summer Pearl, Fake Dad, Gen and The Degenerates, The OBGMs, SUSOBRINO, Ailbhe Reddy, oreglo, Strawberry Launch, Dilettante, Housewife, Steve Wynn, Population II, Loverman, Elín Hall, Steam Down, Bee Blackwell, tamanaramen, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Famous, Bleary Eyed, Dr. Pushkin, Dusted, fantasy of a broken heart, XIXA, Little Moon, Hachiku, Bakers Eddy, Die Heiterkeit, Big Zeeks, Jennifer Touch, Surely Shirley, shishi, Yung D3mz, Sunnbrella, Morgan Munroe, Holly Arrowsmith, Delivery, Meltheads, Catcher, Gus Englehorn, twst, Joan & the Giants, Maryze, Woomb, The Tiarras, yoo doo right, Lucy Sugerman, Karl Benjamin, Squid The Kid, TVOD, Levin goes lightly, Fashion Club, Kanaan, Sex Week, lúpína, Graham Reynolds, Miranda and the Beat, Lola Moxom, Altre Di B, PyPy, Midnight Navy, Nemegata, Laura Lee & The Jettes, No Windows, Jacob Alon, Redolent, Fourth Daughter, Sir Jude, Bummer Camp, Mall Girl, Big Phony, Mellt, Monsoon, Gloin, Emmeline, Consumables, West Texas Exiles, C4, Cotton Mather, Go Cactus, Stella Bridie, Sofia Grant, badfocus, SKATELAND, Perennial, Wynona Bleach, HER SKIN, Ava Vegas, Lauren Lakis, Mad Madmen, Really Good Time, Guardian Singles, MORDÁI, CDSM, Truck Violence, Slash Need, Cruzloma, My Son the Doctor, Magna, knitting, ADJUA, Campfire social, Sunna Margrét, tiger bae, Water Damage, Caleb De Casper, Annie-Claude Deschênes, Last Waltzon, Wes Denzel, Pavey Ark, Emily Frembgen, Millian, Bold Love, Joelton Mayfield, Ki!, Julie Nolen, simmcat, Weird Bloom, Nive Nielsen, HEAL, Alix Fernz, Jopy, Daydream Twins, Shiho Yabuki, Scarlet House, luvis, JaRon Marshall, Arsun, Frederick Boom
    USA, Austin
  • Monobloc at Cat''s Cradle Back Room

    Cat's Cradle Back Room
    USA, Carrboro
    Club500 - 1.2K
  • Monobloc at Pie Shop DC

    Pie Shop DC
    USA, Washington
    Bar0 - 500
  • Monobloc at PhilaMOCA

    USA, Philadelphia
    Other1.2K - 2.5K
  • Monobloc at Union Pool

    Union Pool
    USA, New York
    Bar0 - 500
  • Festival Corona CapitalFestival

    Shawn Mendes, Green Day, bbno$, Melanie Martinez, Clairo, Zedd, Toto, Empire Of The Sun, David Kushner, Paul McCartney, Cage The Elephant, Jorja Smith, Isabel LaRosa, Eyedress, Natalie Jane, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Leon Bridges, CaveTown, New Order, Beck, Porter Robinson, Black Pumas, Iggy Pop, Nothing but Thieves, Thee Sacred Souls, St. Vincent, mxmtoon, HONNE, Jack White, The Blaze, Yussef Dayes, Travis, Hermanos Gutiérrez, The Beaches, BadBadNotGood, Luke Hemmings, Dabeull, The Vaccines, Crumb, City and Colour, Alice Phoebe Lou, EKKSTACY, James Vincent McMorrow, Boy Harsher, Primal Scream, Crystal Fighters, The Mars Volta, American Football, French 79, Busted, Del Water Gap, Charlotte Day Wilson, Biig Piig, Warpaint, Zimmer90, Explosions In The Sky, Beach Fossils, Mannequin Pussy, Blonde Redhead, Kim Gordon, Michelle, Two Another, Night Tapes, Tora, Twin Shadow, Maximo Park, Hurray For The Riff Raff, Petey, TOPS, Victoria Canal, BLÜ EYES, feeble little horse, bar italia, Nico Vega, The Magic Numbers, Sprints, Brigitte Calls Me Baby, Lo Moon, Water From Your Eyes, Monobloc, The Aquadolls, UNA MIA, Wisp, Very Nice Person
    MEX, Álvaro Obregón
  • Monobloc at The Lodge at the Deaf Institute

    The Lodge at the Deaf Institute
    GBR, Manchester
    Bar0 - 500
  • Iceland AirwavesFestival

    Ravyn Lenae, Villano Antillano, Magdalena Bay, SHYGIRL, The Vaccines, Lambrini Girls, Overmono, Saya Gray, The Joy, English Teacher, Gabríel Ólafs, bar italia, IZARO, orbit, Alice Longyu Gao, Sóley, Charlotte Adigéry, Dina Ögon, BOLIS PUPUL, Anish Kumar, mary in the junkyard, CumGirl8, Arnór Dan, Wu-Lu, Vevaki, eee gee, Monobloc, Opus Kink, Personal Trainer, Llynks, Sila Lua, GDRN, Hjálmar, Úlfur Úlfur, Loverman, Elín Hall, FreeKind, Mandy, Indiana, Kaktus Einarsson, Sofi Paez, Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul, JOY, Spacestation, Marius Ziska, lúpína, Une Misere, Hildur, NonyKingz, INSPECTOR SPACETIME, Pétur Ben, UCHE YARA, Prewn, FLOTT, Sycamore Tree, Klemens Hannigan, MRCY, K.óla, Dania O. Tausen, supersport!, Sunna Margrét, Migluma, Teitur Magnússon, BEAR THE ANT, DJ Margeir, Celebs, Jasmine Netsena, Jónfrí, virgin orchestra, Múr, Roshildur, Skrattar, Minus, Bria Rose, Juno Paul, Matthildur, Sundog, Benefits
    ISL, Reykjavik
  • United Sounds NYCFestival

    Blonde Redhead, Sunflower Bean, Model/Actriz, Man Man, Peel Dream Magazine, The Dismemberment Plan, Monobloc, Les Savy Fav, Slow Fiction, Bec Lauder, Rocket
    USA, Brooklyn