Nikóla at Emb Espace Michel Berger
NikólaEmb Espace Michel BergerFRA, Sannois
Nikóla at La Bulle Café
NikólaLa Bulle CaféFRA, Lille
Nikóla at Le 4 Bis-r4bis
NikólaLe 4 Bis-r4bisFRA, Rennes
Nikóla at Le Ferrailleur
NikólaLe FerrailleurFRA, Nantes
Nikóla at L''antonnoir
NikólaL'antonnoirFRA, Besancon
Nikóla at La Marquise
NikólaLa MarquiseFRA, Lyon
Nikóla at The Rebel Lounge
NikólaThe Rebel LoungeUSA, Phoenix
Isle Of LightFestival
Nicki Nicole, alt-J, Polo & Pan, Los Amigos Invisibles, Buscabulla, Maya Jane Coles, Lee Foss, Franc Moody, YEИDRY, Helado Negro, Alex Ferreira, Paco Versailles, Martox, The Change, Yasser Tejeda, Calacote, Nikóla, Freaky Philip, Poolpo, Le Montro, ColaoDOM, Santo Domingo Este
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