Phrenelith's Concerts


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  • Dead Congregation at Ralph's Rock Diner

    Dead Congregation, Phrenelith
    Ralph's Rock Diner
    USA, Worcester
    Bar0 - 500
  • Dead Congregation at Saint Vitus

    Dead Congregation, Phrenelith
    Saint Vitus
    USA, New York
    Bar0 - 500
  • Dead Congregation at Ottobar

    Dead Congregation, Goetia, Phrenelith, Antichrist Siege Machine
    USA, Baltimore
    Club0 - 500
  • Phrenelith at KufA Haus

    Phrenelith, Burial Remains
    KufA Haus
    DEU, Brunswick
    Other0 - 500
  • Metal Magic FestivalFestival

    Angel Witch, Vulture, Tormentor, Hyperdontia, Medieval Steel, Chevalier, Phrenelith, Demon Head, Killing, NyreDolk, Ascended Dead, Sunken, Ved Buens Ende, Impetuous Ritual, Tainted Lady, Silhouette, Slaegt (Slægt), Dark Sky Choir, Armory, Deiquisitor, Deus Otiosus, Völva, Deadflesh, Alucarda, Tongues, Shamash, Shadow Storm, Source, Black Oath
    DNK, Fredericia
  • Undergang, Phrenelith and Hyperdontia at Karga Bar

    Undergang, Phrenelith
    Karga Bar
    TUR, Istanbul
    Bar0 - 500
  • Old Grave Fest VII 2018

    Pagan Altar, Phrenelith
    Fabrica Bucharest
    ROU, Bucharest
    Bar0 - 500
  • Old Grave FestFestival

    Demilich, Pagan Altar, Chevalier, Phrenelith, Malokarpatan, Ranger, Arkhon Infaustus, Vultures Vengeance, Nightbreed, Nocturnal Witch, Crossbone, Nuclear Aggressor, Dawn of Winter, Eggs of Gomorrh, Speedrush, Fuck you! Dracu
    ROU, Bucharest
  • Kill-Town Death FestFestival

    Blood Incantation, Incantation, Necrot, Undergang, Demilich, Necrowretch, Hooded Menace, Mortiferum, Spectral Voice, Grave Miasma, Hyperdontia, Pissgrave, Phrenelith, Necros Christos, Runemagick, Ascended Dead, Derketa, Triumvir Foul, Galvanizer, Rippikoulu, Fetid, Taphos, Cemetery Urn, Cadaveric Incubator, Venenum, Mortem, Deiquisitor, Sempiternal Dusk, Reptilians, Dead Void, Antiversum, Scolex, Mefitic, Wormridden
    DNK, København V
  • Maryland DeathfestFestival

    Satyricon, Helmet, Suffocation, Eyehategod, Prong, Blood Incantation, Pig Destroyer, Goatwhore, Wormrot, Incantation, Misery Index, Mantar, Sinister, Khemmis, Godflesh, Ufomammut, Defeated Sanity, 16, God Dethroned, Integrity, Broken Hope, Opera IX, Coven, Mortal Decay, Dodheimsgard, The Ruins of Beverast, Today Is The Day, Morta Skuld, Cripple Bastards, Evoken, Sadistic Intent, BØLZER, Phrenelith, Pessimist, Master's Hammer, Viscera Infest, Ascended Dead, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Sinmara, Thantifaxath, Suffering Hour, Enemy Soil, Arkhon Infaustus, Perdition Temple, Petrification, Ritual Necromancy, Abhomine, Lord Gore, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Gutted, Torn The Fuck Apart, PLAGUES, Dusk, Horrible Earth, Violation Wound, GASP, Emerge A Tyrant, Cognizant, Destroyed in Seconds, Bound by the Grave, Neolithic, Gateway To Hell, Blurring, Bandit, Pavel Chekov, Bestial Evil, TEST
    USA, Baltimore