Dark Easter Metal MeetingFestival
Belphegor, Marduk, My Dying Bride, Grave, Messa, Bethlehem, Primordial, 1914, Ellende, Naglfar, MORK, Panzerfaust, Memoriam, Sulphur Aeon, Gaahls Wyrd, Imperium Dekadenz, Mephorash, Varathron, Wormwood, Demonical, Enisum, Root, Grave Desecrator, Crescent, Runemagick, Dordeduh, Merrimack, Denial of God, Ars Veneficium, Perchta, Vargsheim, EriduDEU, Munich
Attack Metal 2 at KC Semilasso Brno
Insania, Root, Arch Of HellKC Semilasso BrnoCZE, Brno
Benátská nocFestival
Europe, Ben Cristovao, Marek Ztraceny, Karel Gott, Chinaski, Harlej, IMT Smile, Olga Lounova, Pavel Callta, Václav Neckář, Traktor, Michal Hruza, Sebastian, No Name, Dalibor Janda, Lipo, Anna K., Paulie Garand, Walda Gang, Richard Muller, Alkehol, Čechomor, Lenny, UDG, Kenny Rough, Péter Nagy, Prago Union, DOCTOR P.P., Václav Noid Bárta, GATE Crasher, Pipes And Pints, Volant, E!E, RootCZE, Liberec
Agressive Music FestFestival
Root, Omega Diatribe, Solitary, Silent Generation, Sublind, Disquiet, Fleshless, Angelcrypt, Deadpoint, Sphere, UNDUSTED, Anthems, Kazah, Phylactery, Dustborn, Wanted Inc., Pikodeath, Bitchfork, Rising DarkCZE, Pohoří
Taunus Metal FestivalFestival
Hellripper, Insanity Alert, Root, Furies, Lonewolf, Emerald, Vortex, Satan's Fall, Antipeewee, Airborn, Dragonsfire, Lyra's Legacy, Prediction, Insulter, Moontowers, Darkness, Riverroth, Crusher, Addict, PaxtilenceDEU, Oberursel (Taunus)
Netherlands DeathfestFestival
Carcass, Suffocation, At The Gates, Devourment, 1349, Grave, Angel Witch, Skinless, Emperor, NunSlaughter, Dragged Into Sunlight, Rotten Sound, Internal Bleeding, Witchery, Broken Hope, Shape Of Despair, Aura Noir, Mortuary Drape, Rectal Smegma, Esoteric, Evoken, Claudio Simonettis Goblin, Vallenfyre, Sadistic Intent, VICTIMS, Profanatica, Mournful Congregation, Darkspace, Root, Blood, Guttural Secrete, Merrimack, Hierophant, Leng Tch'e, Yacøpsæ, Altarage, URN, Looking for an Answer, Hacavitz, Fleshgore, Jig-Ai, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Kjeld, The Afternoon Gentlemen, Sacrificial Slaughter, Cauldron Black Ram, Auroch, The Ominous Circle, Hellbomb, Meat Spreader, Rites of Thy Degringolade, SkullhogNLD, Tilburg
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