Maryland DeathfestFestival
Cryptopsy, Bloodbath, Tankard, My Dying Bride, Abbath, Carpathian Forest, Dismember, 1349, Grave, Forbidden, Gorguts, Skinless, Sacrifice, Primordial, Archgoat, Defeated Sanity, Arcturus, Vomitory, Spectral Wound, Dragged Into Sunlight, MORK, Brodequin, AHAB, Severe Torture, Avulsed, Broken Hope, Aura Noir, Mortuary Drape, Haemorrhage, Stabbing, Iron Lung, Coffins, Artificial Brain, Beheaded, Weekend Nachos, Spectral Voice, Esoteric, Grave Miasma, Fossilization, ROT, BØLZER, Noctem, Cenotaph, Vermin Womb, Archagathus, At War, Extortion, Deathhammer, Internal Suffering, Yellow Eyes, Sinmara, Defleshed, Derketa, Chthe'ilist, Sissy Spacek, Yacøpsæ, Noisy Neighbors, Apartment 213, Dread Sovereign, Lack Of Interest, Perdition Temple, Incinerate, Imperialist, Ripper, Contaminated, Inhume, Triac, Daeva, Intestinal Disgorge, Gabe Woodrow, Kontusion, Necessary Death, Spirit Possession, Goat Torment, Kurnugia, Siege Column, Depulsed, Organ Failure, Vomi Noir, Blue Holocaust, Impure, OppressorUSA, Baltimore
Cosmic Void FestivalFestival
Borknagar, Naglfar, Thy Light, Nordjevel, Desaster, Cult of Fire, Urgehal, Keep Of Kalessin, Ancient, Misþyrming, Mephorash, Helleruin, Trivax, Karg, Midnight Odyssey, Darkspace, Sinmara, The Infernal Sea, Anomalie, Ved Buens Ende, Blood Countess, Sol Sistere, Nubivagant, Slagmaur, Necronautical, The Sun's Journey Through The Night, Infernal Angels, Wolvencrown, Gentihaa, Necrocracy, Vehement, MareGBR, London
Ascension Festival IcelandFestival
Kælan Mikla, Sacramentum, Schammasch, Craft, Misþyrming, Auðn, Lili Refrain, (DOLCH), Sinmara, Hekla, Une Misere, Mütterlein, Ultra Silvam, Nyrst, Úlfúð, Naðra, Mannveira, Bastarður, Disaster Fatigue, Forsmán, SVARTÞOKA, Grift, NYIÞ, Rebirth of NefastISL, Reykjavik
Turku Saatanalle FestivalFestival
Archgoat, Vreid, ...And Oceans, Mephorash, Sinmara, Tulus, URN, Malum, Usurper, KyyFIN, Turku
De Mortem et DiabolumFestival
Groza, Dodheimsgard, Enisum, BØLZER, Blaze of Perdition, Almyrkvi, Sinmara, Halphas, Ascension, Crimson Moon, Arroganz, MatterhornDEU, Berlin
Beyond The GatesFestival
Satyricon, Enslaved, Blood Incantation, 1349, Taake, Hällas, Grave Pleasures, Tormentor, Spectral Voice, BØLZER, Attic, Mysticum, Portrait, Eternal Champion, Sinmara, Malokarpatan, Deus Mortem, Wrathprayer, Shakma, One Tail, One Head, The Rise Of Mictlan, Mare, AegirNOR, Bergen
Maryland DeathfestFestival
Satyricon, Helmet, Suffocation, Eyehategod, Prong, Blood Incantation, Pig Destroyer, Goatwhore, Wormrot, Incantation, Misery Index, Mantar, Sinister, Khemmis, Godflesh, Ufomammut, Defeated Sanity, 16, Integrity, God Dethroned, Broken Hope, Opera IX, Coven, Mortal Decay, The Ruins of Beverast, Dodheimsgard, Today Is The Day, Morta Skuld, Cripple Bastards, Evoken, Sadistic Intent, BØLZER, Phrenelith, Pessimist, Master's Hammer, Viscera Infest, Ascended Dead, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Sinmara, Thantifaxath, Suffering Hour, Enemy Soil, Arkhon Infaustus, Perdition Temple, Petrification, Ritual Necromancy, Abhomine, Lord Gore, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Gutted, Torn The Fuck Apart, PLAGUES, Dusk, Horrible Earth, Violation Wound, GASP, Emerge A Tyrant, Cognizant, Destroyed in Seconds, Bound by the Grave, Neolithic, Gateway To Hell, Blurring, Bandit, Pavel Chekov, Bestial Evil, TESTUSA, Baltimore
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