Kalundborg RockerFestival
Christopher, Gobs, L.O.C., Faustix, Jonah Blacksmith, Jimilian, Skinz, Micky Skeel, Jung, Svenstrup & Vendelboe, Fouli, Fyr Og Flamme, Fräulein, Sly and The Man, Karl Herman’s Trio, The Powls, Shubberne, Almost AC/DC, So 90’sDNK, Frederikshavn
Samsø FestivalFestival
Rasmus Seebach, Tobias Rahim, Benjamin Hav, Mads Langer, Ude Af Kontrol, Kato, Hjalmer, Jonah Blacksmith, Gnags, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, Poul Krebs, Drew Sycamore, Magtens Korridorer, Rasmus Walter, Jung, Rasmus Bjerg, Svenstrup & Vendelboe, Jacob Dinesen, Love Shop, Dopha, Malurt, Pauline, Joyce, Statisk, UNDERTEKST, Disco Dasco, Ivan Pedersen, Hardinger Band, MGP Allstars 2022, Donkey Sound, The Powls, Det Vildeste Band, Samsø Pink FloydDNK, Samsø
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