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  • Taphos, Superstition, Human Host Body at Center Mladih Koper

    Taphos, Superstition, Human Host Body
    Center Mladih Koper
    SVN, Koper
    Club0 - 500
  • Taphos and Superstition at Zukunft am Ostkreuz Berlin

    Taphos, Superstition
    Zukunft am Ostkreuz Berlin
    DEU, Berlin
    Other0 - 500
  • Taphos + Superstition at TIEF

    Taphos, Superstition
    DEU, Berlin
    Club0 - 500
  • Kill-Town Death FestFestival

    Ghastly, Tomb mold, Coffins, Adversarial, Mitochondrion, Vastum, ANATOMIA, Corpsessed, Mortuous, Chthe'ilist, Obliteration, Of Feather And Bone, Suffering Hour, Abhorrence, Antediluvian, Bastard Grave, Taphos, Ritual Necromancy, Malthusian, Phobocosm, FUNEBRARUM, Profetus, Drowned, Necrovation, Assumption, Lucifericon, Dead Void, Chaotian, HAR, Ignivomous, Druid Lord
    DNK, København V
  • Party.San Metal Open AirFestival

    Testament, Soilwork, Deicide, Destruction, Hypocrisy, Rotting Christ, Belphegor, Gutalax, Bloodbath, Immolation, Mgła, Krisiun, Arkona (АРКОНА), Sólstafir, Suicidal Angels, Vulvodynia, Incantation, Midnight, Jungle Rot, Hellhammer, Defeated Sanity, Naglfar, Vomitory, Legion Of The Damned, Satan, Night Demon, The Crown, Traitor, Undergang, Skyforger, Craft, Stillbirth, Beheaded, Firtan, NervoChaos, Svartidauði, Triumph Of Death, Devangelic, Runemagick, Malokarpatan, Thanatos, Solstice, Damnation Defaced, Deathrite, Voodus, Carnal Tomb, Ascension, Taphos, Slaegt (Slægt), Balmog, Nekrovault, Black Mood, Goat Explosion
    DEU, Nottertal-Heilinger Höhen
  • Brutal AssaultFestival

    Anthrax, Parkway Drive, Of Mice & Men, Testament, Heilung, Jinjer, Meshuggah, Carpenter Brut, Thy Art Is Murder, Napalm Death, Sodom, Carcass, Therion, Soilwork, Ensiferum, Electric Wizard, Anathema, Animals As Leaders, Decapitated, Deicide, Alien Weaponry, Destruction, After The Burial, Myrkur, Hypocrisy, Unprocessed, Monster Magnet, Combichrist, Rotting Christ, Agnostic Front, Crossfaith, Metal Church, Aborted, Gutalax, Eyehategod, Sick Of It All, Emperor, Batushka, Prong, The Contortionist, Diablo Swing Orchestra, CRYSTAL LAKE, Tankard, The Ocean, Immolation, Mgła, Get The Shot, Sacred Reich, Discharge, Krisiun, Violator, Lionheart, Windhand, Voivod, Vulvodynia, Cult Of Luna, Anaal Nathrakh, Walls of Jericho, Incantation, Daughters, Caspian, Saor, Raised Fist, Taake, Omnium Gatherum, Ektomorf, Gost, Cytotoxin, Primordial, Car Bomb, Gorod, Exumer, Iron Reagan, Godflesh, Jungle Rot, Hellhammer, Skeletal Remains, Kampfar, Demolition Hammer, Oceans of Slumber, Slapshot, Kraanium, Nordjevel, The Obsessed, Wolfbrigade, Higher Power, Venom Prison, Shape Of Despair, Nailed to Obscurity, Wormed, Coven, ČAD, Toska, Vuur, Hexis, Manes, Vargrav, Prurient, Vampillia, Dr Living Dead, Necros Christos, Antaeus, Unfathomable Ruination, Zuriaake, Counting Hours, Ved Buens Ende, Au-Dessus, Entropia, Letters From The Colony, Altarage, Azusa, Déluge, The Arson Project, Taphos, Fleshless, Brutally Deceased, Aeon Winds, Slaegt (Slægt), Decultivate, FORGOTTEN SILENCE, Woe Unto Me, MINORITY SOUND, Mallephyr, Perfecitizen, Eskhaton, Morna, Meat Spreader, Elysium, Frog Leap, Midnight
    CZE, Jaroměř
  • Kill-Town Death FestFestival

    Blood Incantation, Incantation, Necrot, Undergang, Demilich, Necrowretch, Hooded Menace, Mortiferum, Spectral Voice, Grave Miasma, Hyperdontia, Pissgrave, Phrenelith, Necros Christos, Runemagick, Ascended Dead, Derketa, Triumvir Foul, Galvanizer, Rippikoulu, Fetid, Taphos, Cemetery Urn, Cadaveric Incubator, Venenum, Mortem, Deiquisitor, Sempiternal Dusk, Reptilians, Dead Void, Antiversum, Scolex, Mefitic, Wormridden
    DNK, København V
  • Chaos Descends FestivalFestival

    Pallbearer, Hällas, Manilla Road, WOVENHAND, Nifelheim, Demilich, Pagan Altar, Tormentor, Svartidauði, Wolvennest, Indian Nightmare, Gospel Of The Horns, Taphos, Nachash, Chaos Echœs, Occvlta, Evil Warriors, Oraculum, Oraculum
    DEU, Schleiz
  • Metal Magic FestivalFestival

    Fin, Konvent, Pagan Altar, Claudio Simonettis Goblin, Count Raven, Rock Goddess, Master's Hammer, Anal Vomit, Deathhammer, Paul Roland, Alien Force, Altar Of Oblivion, I am Morbid, Thorium, Taphos, Satan's Fall, Obnoxious Youth, Horned Almighty, Grusom, Metal Cross, Gespenst, Encyrcle, Satan Worship, Hands of Orlac, Woebegone Obscured, Faanefjell, Filthgrave, Dead Void, Caustic
    DNK, Fredericia