The Sonic Dawn at Schokoladen
The Sonic DawnSchokoladen MitteDEU, Berlin
The Sonic Dawn at Loppen
The Sonic Dawn, Roxy JulesLoppenDNK, København K
The Sonic Dawn at De Tanker in Noord/De Roze Tanker
The Sonic DawnDe Tanker in Noord/De Roze TankerNLD, Landsmeer
The Sonic Dawn at Le Botanique
The Sonic DawnLe BotaniqueBEL, Sint-Joost-ten-Node
The Sonic Dawn at Sonic Ballroom
The Sonic DawnSonic BallroomDEU, Cologne
The Sonic Dawn at Café Hängmattan
The Sonic DawnCafé HängmattanSWE, Gothenburg
The Sonic Dawn at Sofiehof Underjord
The Sonic DawnSofiehof UnderjordSWE, Jonkoping
The Sonic Dawn at Intiman
The Sonic DawnIntimanSWE, Vasteras
The Sonic Dawn at Geronimo''s FGT
The Sonic DawnGeronimo's FGTSWE, Stockholm
The Sonic Dawn at Medley
The Sonic DawnMedleySWE, Malmo
The Sonic Dawn at Hafenklang
The Sonic DawnHafenklangDEU, Hamburg
The Sonic Dawn at Geschichtswerkstatt Altes Volksbad
The Sonic DawnGeschichtswerkstatt Altes VolksbadDEU, Mannheim
The Sonic Dawn at Hafenschaenke- Subrosa
The Sonic DawnHafenschaenke- SubrosaDEU, Dortmund
The Sonic Dawn at Lygtens Kro
The Sonic DawnLygtens KroDNK, København NV
The Sonic Dawn at Spillestedet Stengade
The Sonic DawnSpillestedet StengadeDNK, København N
The Sonic Dawn at Revolver
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassRevolverNOR, Oslo
The Sonic Dawn at Platens Bar
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassPlatens BarSWE, Linkoping
The Sonic Dawn at The Abyss
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassThe AbyssSWE, Gothenburg
The Sonic Dawn at Poppodium 013
The Sonic DawnPoppodium 013NLD, Tilburg
The Sonic Dawn at Rare Guitar
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassRare GuitarDEU, Münster
Roadburn FestivalFestival
Boy Harsher, Deafheaven, Nicole Dollanganger, High Vis, Chat Pile, Brutus, Sowulo, DeWolff, Zola Jesus, The Soft Moon, Show Me the Body, Wolves In The Throne Room, Imperial Triumphant, Sierra, Portrayal of Guilt, Cave In, Osi And The Jupiter, Giles Corey, Candy, Backxwash, Circuit Des Yeux, Sangre de Muerdago, KEN Mode, JOHN CXNNOR, Esben and the Witch, Poison Ruin, Julie Christmas, Afsky, Big Brave, Oiseaux-Tempête, Kathryn Joseph, Bo Ningen, Storefront Church, Bad Breeding, Maud The Moth, Antichrist Siege Machine, Mamaleek, Body Void, PUPIL SLICER, Deaf Kids, Mai Mai Mai, Ashenspire, Teeth Of The Sea, David Eugene Edwards, Nordmann, Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Otay:onii, The Sonic Dawn, Deathless Void, PoiL, Predatory Void, broeder Dieleman, Burst, OvO, Jerusalem in My Heart, NORNA, Healthyliving, The Golden Grass, Shagor, Mütterlein, The Hanged Man, Duma, Alison Cotton, Ossaert, BIRTH, Ad Nauseam, Spirit Possession, Iron Jinn, Marlene Ribeiro, Iskandr, Under the Surface, VULVA, J. Zunz, Witte Wieven, Junko Ueda, The Shits, Judasz & Nahimana, Micaela Tobin, Crouch, Yrre, Enphin, Trounce, Holy Scum, Grift, Dawn Terry, Decline of the I, Wayfarer, Nika, Këkht Aräkh, Filmmaker, Spiritual PoisonNLD, Tilburg
The Golden Grass at Kiff
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassKiffCHE, Aarau
The Sonic Dawn at Cross Club
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassCross ClubCZE, Prague
The Sonic Dawn at Club Novitatis Dresden
The Sonic DawnClub Novitatis DresdenDEU, Dresden
The Sonic Dawn at BETA2300
The Sonic Dawn, The Golden GrassBETA2300DNK, København K
Lucid Void at Das Rind
The Sonic Dawn, Lucid VoidDas RindDEU, Rüsselsheim am Main
The Sonic Dawn at Sonic Ballroom
The Sonic DawnSonic BallroomDEU, Cologne
The Sonic Dawn at Rust
The Sonic DawnRustDNK, København N
Mañana MañanaFestival
Love Supreme, Komodo, AVAWAVES, Prins S. en De Geit, The Magnetics, Loupe, Broken Brass, Barth., NAFT, Gestapo Knallmuzik, Boogie Beasts, Suzan Köcher, Robin Borneman, Collignon, POM, MOOON, The Sonic Dawn, Aidan & the Wild, Primaat, BAZZOOKAS, MAURINO, Meis, Joan Franka, Peer, Montis, Goudsmit & Directie, JAÏNDA, Magnetic Spacemen, la loye, The Clerks, Love Machine, Yara Beeks, Magic Tom & Yuri, Silverbones, CLOUDSURFERS, Hilltop Howlers, The Visual, Vito, Robbing Banks, THE HECK, Tommy Tornado, The Grey Pants, The Garnals, Babette, Simon Keats, Heiko Dijker, Marise, The Small Breed, ELEFANT, PRONK, Four Eyed Faces, Druiprek, Multani, Ooostblok, Phemian, Chemical Clouds, Richville, DANCING DOLLEKAMP, HARMONIC WAVES SOUNDSYSTEM, Las Medicinas, Sabir Sultan Khan, D Deadly, Vinyl Forty-Five, The Nightingirls, J.C. Thomaz & The Missing Slippers, BENJAMIN DE GROOT, ATLANTANLD, Laren
The Sonic Dawn at Kulturetage
The Sonic DawnKulturetageDEU, Oldenburg (Oldb.)
The Sonic Dawn at Dots
The Sonic DawnDotsDEU, Göttingen
The Sonic Dawn at Harders
The Sonic DawnSpillestedet Harders SvendborgDNK, Svendborg
The Sonic Dawn at Vortex Surfer Musikclub Siegen
The Sonic DawnVortex Surfer Musikclub SiegenDEU, Siegen
The Sonic Dawn at Rare Guitar
The Sonic DawnRare GuitarDEU, Münster
The Sonic Dawn at Café Central
The Sonic DawnCafé CentralBEL, Brussels
The Sonic Dawn at Subrosa Dortmund
The Sonic DawnSubrosa DortmundDEU, Dortmund
The Sonic Dawn
The Sonic DawnWaagenbauDEU, Hamburg
Herzberg FestivalFestival
MEUTE, UFO, Graham Nash, Nneka, Bukahara, Sophie Hunger, Riverside, Daniel Norgren, Bummelkasten, Bixiga 70, MY BABY, Long Distance Calling, Doyle Bramhall II, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, The Allman Betts Band, 17 Hippies, Yawning Man, The Magic Mumble Jumble, Otis Ubaka, Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties, MaidaVale, BCUC, Odd Couple, Mamadou Diabaté, Golden Dawn Arkestra, Embryo, Wenzel, Cynthia Nickschas, Mainfelt, Zement, Rotor, Werner Nadolnys Jane, The Sonic Dawn, Shob, Footprint Project, PoiL, Schreng Schreng & La La, The Whiskey Foundation, Kombynat Robotron, Wedge, Fooks Nihil, Piniol, The Blackberries, Sir Robin & The Longbowmen, Kenneth Minor, Shishko Disco, Polis, wolf prayer, Future Jesus & The Electric Lucifer, SIRKUS, Kamala, Letters of Vakāra, Peter Bursch, One Take Toni, Pulsar, Kon Sameti, The Chain Gang KingsDEU, Breitenbach am Herzberg
The Sonic Dawn at Ostpol Dresden
The Sonic DawnOstpol DresdenDEU, Dresden
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