Emmalu Kinderlieder
Emmalu Kinderlieder

Emmalu Kinderlieder

DEUPop, Mainstream Pop
91,657 monthly listeners
  • 2.1K subscribers
  • 116 fans

Emmalu Kinderlieder's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Der Bagger-Song (Jack & Mats)
28.4K streams
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Der rote Traktor (Das Traktor-Lied)
25.4K streams
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Die Walze Wilma
19.5K streams
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Der Müllauto-Song (Tut-tut)
18.6K streams
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Reisebus der Tiere (Wer sitzt da am Steuer?)
13.9K streams
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Emmalu Kinderlieder's YouTube Videos


Kinderlied Zähneputzen | die Zahnfeuerwehr | Zahnputzlied für Kinder | Zähne putzen Lied

EMMALU Kinderlieder

Kinderlied Zähneputzen | die Zahnfeuerwehr | Zahnputzlied für Kinder | Zähne putzen Lied
May 23, 2020

♪ ♪ Kinderlied Müllabfuhr - TUT TUT der Müllauto - Song - EMMALU Kinderlieder | MÜLLWAGEN

EMMALU Kinderlieder

♪ ♪ Kinderlied Müllabfuhr - TUT TUT der Müllauto - Song - EMMALU Kinderlieder | MÜLLWAGEN
May 14, 2020

Zahnputzvideo für 2 Kinder | Zahnfeuerwehr & Müllauto-Song | Zähne putzen, zwei Kinderlieder

EMMALU Kinderlieder

Zahnputzvideo für 2 Kinder | Zahnfeuerwehr & Müllauto-Song | Zähne putzen, zwei Kinderlieder
May 19, 2020

Emmalu Kinderlieder's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Sing Kinderlieder: Alle Lieder
by Spotify

More about Emmalu Kinderlieder

Overview of Mainstream Pop musician Emmalu Kinderlieder

German singer-songwriter Emmalu Kinderlieder, who is on the rise, is known for her distinctive fusion of upbeat melodies with reflective lyrics. Her music appeals to a wide audience while being mainstream pop, and she has managed to distinguish herself from other pop musicians by evoking a sense of depth and emotion in her songs.

The lively tempo and approachable themes of Emmalu's songs, which frequently touch on love, heartbreak, and self-discovery, distinguish it from other genres. Her music is full of happiness and enthusiasm, which has connected with her followers and helped her build a devoted fan base. Her music has a rich emotional depth that is enhanced by the sweetness and melody of her vocals as well as a hint of vulnerability.

Emmalu Kinderlieder is swiftly rising to prominence in the music industry because to her memorable melodies and engaging lyrics. Her songs are a welcome change from the formulaic and generic pop music that frequently rules the airways, and she has won the hearts of many with her ability to relate to her listeners on a human level.

What are the most popular songs for Mainstream Pop musician Emmalu Kinderlieder?

German mainstream pop musician Emmalu Kinderlieder has a number of well-liked songs that have won over many fans. Some of her top tracks include "Das Astronauten-Lied (Karl, der Astronaut)", "Der Bagger-Song (Jack & Mats)", "Der rote Traktor (Das Traktor-Lied)", "Der Mullauto-Song (Tut-Tut)", "Die Zahnfeuerwehr (Tatu-Tata)", "Bruno, der Brummi", "Ahoi, Piraten! (Das Piraten-Lied)", "Das Osterhasen-Lied (Hoppel, hoppel, 1-2-3)", "Kleiner Schneemann", and "Tollpatsch Weihnachtsmann".

"Das Astronauten-Lied (Karl, der Astronaut)" is among Emmalu Kinderlieder's most well-known songs. This cheerful and memorable song tells the tale of Karl, an astronaut who ventures into space and gains a new perspective on the world. "Der Bagger-Song (Jack & Mats)" is another well-liked song; it has a lighthearted melody that's great for kids to sing and dance to.

Other songs from Kinderlieder are as enjoyable and memorable, with songs with titles like "Der rote Traktor (Das Traktor-Lied)" and "Der Mullauto-Song (Tut-Tut)" that are certain to stick in your brain. Another well-known song, "Ahoi, Piraten! (Das Piraten-Lied)" depicts the tale of a band of pirates on a treasure quest, while "Kleiner Schneemann" is a lighthearted song about a tiny snowman.

Overall, both children and adults will love the music of Emmalu Kinderlieder. She is a well-liked option for anyone looking for peppy and entertaining pop music because of her catchy melodies and humorous lyrics.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Mainstream Pop musician Emmalu Kinderlieder?

German pop artist Emmalu Kinderlieder has a number of tracks out in 2021. "Tollpatsch Weihnachtsmann," one of her most recent songs, is a lighthearted and joyful depiction of the holiday mood. "Bruno, der Brummi," another song, relates the tale of a truck driver and his road trip. The song's lively tune and catchy hook will have listeners singing along.

Along with these songs, "Ahoi, Piraten! (Das Piraten-Lied)" and "Das Astronauten-Lied (Karl, der Astronaut)" were also released in 2021 by Emmalu Kinderlieder. The first is a pirate-themed song that's ideal for young adventurers, while the second is a tribute to space travel and the wonders of the cosmos. Both tracks are professionally made and demonstrate Emmalu Kinderlieder's skill for lively and captivating pop music.

Overall, Emmalu Kinderlieder's most recent releases demonstrate her talent for writing memorable and engaging pop music for young listeners. These songs will make everyone grin because to their cheerful tunes and humorous lyrics. Be sure to listen to Emmalu Kinderlieder's most recent tracks if you're looking for entertaining music for your kids.