

NORMetal, Black Metal
31,174 monthly listeners
  • 3.5K fans

Nattefrost's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Satanic Victory
7.3K streams
Artist Name
Sluts of Hell
6.6K streams
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Universal Funeral
5.8K streams
Artist Name
Whore - Filthy Whore
3K streams
Artist Name
2.3K streams
Streams last week
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Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
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Nattefrost's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Black Metal Classics
by Spotify
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by Spotify
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Mayhem Radio
by Spotify
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by Spotify
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Black Metal Essentials
by Spotify

Events1 Event

, HyvinkääN/A N/A

Nattefrost's Past Events1 Event

  • Steelfest festival

    Marduk, Carpathian Forest, Deströyer 666, Gehenna, Nordjevel, Behexen, Urgehal, NunSlaughter, Horna, Nattefrost, WITCHTRAP, Austere, Totalselfhatred, Torture Killer, Nokturnal Mortum, Merrimack, Pensées Nocturnes, Witchcraft, Tsatthoggua, Ved Buens Ende, The Committee, Nattverd, URN, Evil Incarnate, Sacrilegious Impalement, Loits, Hail Conjurer, True Black Dawn, Grenadier, Gravespawn, Ritualization, UTUK XUL, Rienaus, RIDE FOR REVENGE, Coraxul, Sex Messiah, Azazel, Ymir, Pest
    FIN, Hyvinkää

More about Nattefrost

Overview of Black Metal musician Nattefrost

A Norwegian musician by the name of Nattefrost is renowned for his work in the Metal and Black Metal subgenres. He is a native of Sandnes, Norway, and is known as a gifted and enthusiastic musician in the music industry. Nattefrost has created a distinctive sound that skillfully combines violence and melody in a way that is both engaging and thought-provoking thanks to his thorough awareness of the intricacies of Metal music.

Nattefrost is a Black Metal musician who finds inspiration in the more sinister facets of human existence. His music is distinguished by its unadulterated intensity, eerie melodies, and powerful vocals. Nattefrost addresses themes of demise, hopelessness, and solitude in his music and challenges listeners to face their own demons. One of the most admired performers in the Metal scene, he has a devoted fan base thanks to his capacity to emotionally connect with his listeners.

Overall, Nattefrost is a musician with unrivaled skill and devotion to the music genres of Metal and Black Metal. Fans of the genre love him for his capacity to generate strong feelings through his music, and his contributions to the music scene have influenced the sound of Metal for future generations.

What are the most popular songs for Black Metal musician Nattefrost?

Nattefrost is a well-known name in the black metal community and hails from Sandnes, Norway. Nattefrost, who are renowned for their raw and abrasive sound, have created a number of well-known songs over the years. With its powerful riffs and furious vocals that perfectly encapsulate black metal, "Sluts of Hell" and "Satanic Victory" are some of their most well-known songs. The song "Whore - Filthy Whore" stands out for its contentious lyrics and aggressive themes.

Nattefrost has produced a number of other well-liked songs, such as "Universal Funeral," "Ancient Devil Worshipping," and "Sanctum 666." The raw sound and aggressive manner of the band are still on display in these songs. Two other songs worth mentioning are "Black Metal Suicide - Claws of Perdition" and "The Gate of Nanna" for their mesmerizing melodies and harsh atmosphere.

The two songs "Terrorist" and "Mass-Destruction" complete Nattefrost's huge discography. These songs demonstrate the band's capacity to produce aggressive, memorable music that perfectly encapsulates the black metal aesthetic. Overall, Nattefrost is a major player in the black metal field, and their songs never fail to enthrall and motivate listeners.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Black Metal musician Nattefrost?

The 2012 album "Engangsgrill" was the most recent one released by the Norwegian metal and black metal musician Nattefrost. There are ten songs on the CD, each having a distinctive tone and meaning. The music of Nattefrost is renowned for its raw, explosive energy, and "Engangsgrill" is no exception. His ability to provide an intense and compelling musical experience is on full display in the record.

"Nekronaut II," a noteworthy piece on the album, has a strong beat and menacing vocals. The song is a superb illustration of Nattefrost's talent for fusing many musical genres to produce something wholly original. The intense and fast-paced song "Sluts of Hell," which is another standout track, is likely to delight metal and black metal fans.

Nattefrost's "Engangsgrill" is a solid album overall that demonstrates his talent and originality. It's definitely worth checking out for metal and black metal enthusiasts, and it will appeal to both veteran and new listeners of Nattefrost's music.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Black Metal musician Nattefrost?

Black metal performer Nattefrost, who is from Sandnes, Norway, has performed at a lot of concerts and festivals over the course of his career. One of his most memorable performances took place at Steelfest, a yearly event attended by thousands of metal fans in Finland. The festival attendees were deeply moved by Nattefrost's raw and furious performance, which cemented his status as a leading figure in the black metal community.

Nattefrost has performed at a number of renowned festivals, including Beyond the Gates and Inferno Metal Festival, in addition to Steelfest. His energetic stage appearance and energetic live performances are known for giving his fans an amazing experience. Every performance Nattefrost provides demonstrates his commitment to his art because he continually puts on compelling and genuine live performances.

Throughout his career, Nattefrost has also performed at a number of prestigious locations. His appearances at places like The Garage in London and The Whiskey A Go Go in Los Angeles have won him praise from the music press and established him as a well-known performer in the metal scene. Nattefrost has been making black metal music for more than 20 years, and he still manages to enthrall listeners with his unadulterated and uncompromising style.