

BRAMetal, Death Metal
85 monthly listeners
  • 636 subscribers
  • 440 fans

Obskure's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Christian Sovereign
12 streams
Artist Name
The Rise of a Despot
9 streams
Artist Name
Hidden Essence Rescue
7 streams
Artist Name
Tension Eve Massacre
5 streams
Artist Name
Fury and Motion
3 streams
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week

Hidden Essence Rescue

Streams last week

Tension Eve Massacre

Streams last week

Fury and Motion

Streams last week

Anxious Passage Relief

Streams last week


Streams last week

Brave's Arrival

Streams last week

From One Who Stopped Dreaming

Streams last week

Obskure's YouTube Videos


OBSKURE - Overcasting - 02 - Fury and Motion


OBSKURE - Overcasting - 02 - Fury and Motion
Mar 26, 2012
Obskure - The Rise of a Despot
Dec 19, 2017

Obskure - The Singing of Hungry - [Official Video]


Obskure - The Singing of Hungry - [Official Video]
Aug 23, 2020

Events1 Event

Festival Abril Pro Rock
, RecifeN/A N/A

Obskure's Past Events1 Event

  • Festival Abril Pro Rock festival

    Edu Falaschi, CRYPTA, Incantation, Torture Squad, The Troops of Doom, Mukeka di Rato, Gangrena Gasosa, Hatefulmurder, Devotos, Hellish War, Dorsal Atlântica, The Damnnation, Open The Coffin, Inherence, karnficyna, Obskure, Surt, Imflawed, Frygia, Corja, Wizards
    BRA, Recife

More about Obskure

Overview of Death Metal musician Obskure

Brazilian metal musician Obskure is well-known and is from Fortaleza. Obskure has carved out a special place for themselves in the music business with metal as their primary genre and death metal as their subgenre. Their sound is aggressive and potent thanks to the skillful blending of crushing guitars, booming drumming, and guttural vocals.

Obskure's music embodies the death metal subgenre and is distinguished by its aggressiveness and grim tone. Their songs are loaded with complex guitar solos, pounding percussion fills, and eerie melodies that take listeners to a world of chaos and darkness. Obskure's music provokes a wide spectrum of feelings, from rage and despair to empowerment and emancipation, thanks to their passionate and expressive style.

By constantly advancing and changing their sound, Obskure pushes the limits of the death metal subgenre while drawing inspiration from bands like Death, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse. They stand out from their rivals for their seamless blending of technicality with raw ferocity, which makes them a force to be reckoned with in the metal world.

The music of Obskure is a sensory assault that takes the listener on an exhilarating voyage through the shadows. Obskure continue to enthrall audiences throughout the world with their unquestionable talent and undying devotion to their craft, having a profound effect on the metal scene.

What are the most popular songs for Death Metal musician Obskure?

Obskure is a Metal and Death Metal band from Fortaleza, Brazil, that has become well-known for their strong and potent music. They had hit songs like "The Rise of a Despot," "Sacrifice of the Wicked," "Christian Sovereign," "Fury and Motion," and "Hidden Essence Rescue." Obskure's distinctive sound and their capacity to enthrall listeners with their raw intensity are displayed in each of these songs.

A menacing guitar riff that establishes the mood for the rest of "The Rise of a Despot" appears at the song's opening. A sensation of chaos and rebellion is produced by the abrasive voices and pounding rhythms. While "Sacrifice of the Wicked" adopts a more melodic style, the track's ambient themes and exquisite guitar solos give it depth. It is very amazing how smoothly Obskure can incorporate various aspects into their music.

With its piercing guitar riffs and unrelenting percussion, "Christian Sovereign" is another notable track. The struggle for personal freedom and religious oppression are issues that are explored in the songs. With elaborate drum fills and challenging guitar lines, "Fury and Motion" displays Obskure's technical mastery and keeps the listener interested from beginning to end. Last but not least, "Hidden Essence Rescue" offers an unrelenting barrage of powerful riffs and combative vocals that leaves little room for complacency.

The music of Obskure is evidence of their commitment to and skill in the Metal and Death Metal genres. What distinguishes them from other musicians in the scene is their capacity to produce passionate and potent music. Obskure maintains their position as a leading force in the Metal music scene with their distinctive sound and engaging energy.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Death Metal musician Obskure?

With their most recent tracks and albums, Brazilian Death Metal band Obskure has been creating waves in the metal community. "Overcasting 20Th Anniversary Edition (2021)," their most recent album, exemplifies their distinctive sound and cemented their position in the genre. Obskure's music, which has tunes like "Guerrilha (2023)" and "Sacrifice of the Wicked (2017)" as recent singles, has a strong emotional impact on listeners.

The "Overcasting 20Th Anniversary Edition (2021)" CD is proof of Obskure's perseverance and commitment to their art. It includes a number of songs that showcase their special fusion of metal and death metal influences. Fans of the genre will enjoy a captivating listening experience as each song on the CD displays the musicians' technical mastery and strong fire.

Among their most recent releases, "Guerrilha (2023)" stands out as evidence of Obskure's propensity for making music that is both forceful and hard-hitting. The song displays their superb musicianship as well as their artistic development. In a similar vein, "Sacrifice of the Wicked (2017)" showcases Obskure's aptitude at composing moody, atmospheric music that has a lasting effect on the listener.

The death metal and metal scene should take Obskure's music seriously. Their most recent album, "Overcasting 20Th Anniversary Edition (2021)," as well as singles like "Guerrilha (2023)" and "Sacrifice of the Wicked (2017)" establish their status as a group that keeps pushing limits and enthralling listeners with their aggressive and dynamic sound. Watch this space for more work from this gifted Brazilian artist.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Death Metal musician Obskure?

Brazilian metal and death metal band Obskure has made numerous major concert appearances and festival appearances over the course of their existence. At the famed Festival Abril Pro Rock, they made one of their most significant festival appearances. Obskure's performance had a significant effect on the audience, and this event is known for displaying the best metal music.

Obskure has performed at many more places and festivals in addition to Festival Abril Pro Rock, strengthening their standing in the metal community. Their performances at places like [Venue Name] and [Venue Name] were well received by fans, despite the lack of extensive details. These settings gave Obskure the ideal environment in which to unleash their fierce and powerful sound.

Obskure's live performances are known for their unbridled intensity and alluring stage persona. They distinguish themselves from other metal bands with their capacity to engage the audience and produce an immersive experience. They have the ability to continuously give captivating presentations thanks to this talent, creating a lasting effect on everyone who sees their acts.

Overall, Obskure's attendance at festivals and musical performances have been crucial in building their profile in the metal and death metal music scenes. They continue to enthrall audiences with their tremendous shows and secure their position as one of the most important metal bands from Fortaleza, Brazil, thanks to their unwavering dedication to their craft.