Queen Manica Money
Queen Manica Money

Queen Manica Money

PHLHip Hop, Contemporary Hip Hop
55,316 monthly listeners
  • 283K subscribers
  • 8 fans

Queen Manica Money's Top Spotify Songs

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Loka Loka
17.1K streams
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Kwento Mo Yan
15.3K streams
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Mindset Ba Mindset
7.6K streams
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6K streams
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Sugar Mama
5.8K streams
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Queen Manica Money, Don Last Rhyme, Lil Ron
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Queen Manica Money's YouTube Videos


Sino maganda?

Queen Manica Money

Sino maganda?
Jan 09, 2023

Ready kana ba papakilala kita kay ate?

Queen Manica Money

Ready kana ba papakilala kita kay ate?
Jan 21, 2023

NO TO LASON ! Epidose 3 ????

Queen Manica Money

NO TO LASON ! Epidose 3 ????
Dec 07, 2022

Queen Manica Money's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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oh kalma 🤚🤚 baby kalma 🤚🤚
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Baka Di Tayo Radio
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by Nick Kin

Queen Manica Money's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about Queen Manica Money

Overview of Contemporary Hip Hop musician Queen Manica Money

A emerging hip hop artist from the Philippines named Queen Manica Money is well-known for her distinctive brand of contemporary hip hop. Her music has a style that is both contemporary and soulful, reflecting the sound of the genre today. Queen Manica Money has a commanding voice that captivates listeners and transports them into her universe.

Her music is distinguished by its passionate lyrics and upbeat beats, which work together to produce a sound that is upbeat and empowering. She frequently draws inspiration for her lyrics from her own life experiences and utilizes her music as a platform to speak out on matters of social justice and equality. Queen Manica Money is swiftly emerging as one of the most intriguing new talents in the Hip Hop scene thanks to her contagious energy and accessible lyrics.

Queen Manica Money stands out in a genre that is always changing thanks to her unique voice and strong message. Her work is proof of the ability of the genre to bring people from all walks of life together. There is little doubt that Queen Manica Money will continue to inspire and awe audiences all over the world as she pushes the limits of what is possible in contemporary hip hop.

What are the most popular songs for Contemporary Hip Hop musician Queen Manica Money?

With her distinctive musical style, Queen Manica Money, a modern Hip Hop performer from the Philippines, has amassed enormous fame. Her music is renowned for its upbeat melodies and approachable lyrics. Her most well-known songs include "Mindset Ba Mindset", "Kwento Mo Yan", "Loka Loka", "Memorandum", "Lowkey", "Fake Love", "Ots", "Ayaw Ko Na" and "Ibalik".

The song "Lowkey" has an alluring beat that goes well with Queen Manica Money's fluid movement. The song's lyrics emphasize maintaining a low profile and avoiding attention. Her fans have given this song a lot of attention.

Another well-liked song is "Loka Loka," which has a lively and cheerful tune. The song's lyrics emphasize the importance of savoring each moment and living life to the fullest. The song is popular among fans thanks to its catchy chorus.

Another well-known song that highlights Queen Manica Money's lyrical abilities is "Kwento Mo Yan". The song discusses the difficulties and trials that people face in life. The song is a popular among listeners due to its dynamic flow and relatable lyrics.

In general, Queen Manica Money has produced a distinctive sound that has captured the attention of many. Her songs are the ideal blend of memorable melodies and deep lyrics that connect with her audience. She has made a name for herself as one of the most well-known Hip Hop artists in the Philippines thanks to her talent and dedication.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Contemporary Hip Hop musician Queen Manica Money?

With her most recent releases, Queen Manica Money, a gifted hip hop musician from the Philippines, has been creating waves in the music industry. Her music is a fusion of modern hip hop and traditional Filipino music, giving it a distinctive sound that is both fresh and reminiscent.

Fans and critics alike have been praising her most recent song, "Loka Loka" (2023). The song combines English and Tagalog lyrics in Queen Manica's distinctive manner with a catchy tune that will have you moving. "Kwento Mo Yan" (2023), another single from her next album, displays her narrative skills through catchy verses and a captivating chorus.

Another song that has been getting notice from the hip hop scene is "Lowkey" (2022). The song explores the idea of remaining true to oneself and defying social expectations. It is the ideal complement to any mellow playlist due to its easygoing cadence and fluid flow.

The song "Memorandum" (2021) by Queen Manica is a track that emphasizes the sufferings of the Filipino working class. The song is a melancholy and thought-provoking piece of music due to its solemn mood and thoughtful lyrics.

Overall, Queen Manica Money's music serves as a showcase for her abilities and originality. Her distinctive fusion of hip hop and Filipino music results in a sound that is both contemporary and genuine. Her most recent albums are proof of her development as an artist and her capacity to engage her fans more deeply.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Contemporary Hip Hop musician Queen Manica Money?

Throughout her career, Queen Manica Money has worked with a variety of musicians, but one of the most noteworthy is Don Pao, with whom she co-wrote the song "Memorandum". Queen Manica Money's silky flow and Don Pao's sophisticated beats combine to provide an unforgettable piece of modern hip hop music, showcasing the two artists' distinctive styles.

The song "Memorandum" is a great illustration of how collaborating may improve an artist's sound. Don Pao's production gives the song a degree of sophistication that goes well with Queen Manica Money's delivery and lyrics. The end effect is a song that is more than the sum of its parts, with both musicians pushing one another to produce standout music.

The "Memorandum" collaboration between Queen Manica Money and Don Pao is a superb illustration of how artists can work together to produce something really original. Collaborations are often a significant element of the music industry. It's interesting to consider the potential future partnerships Queen Manica Money may have in store for us.