Which Artists “Won” the 2020–21 Lockdown on Spotify?

Our data pinpointed the musicians who've made the most of the pandemic year.
Which Artists “Won” the 2020–21 Lockdown on Spotify?
Sara Mekinc

This past year, the phrase “making use of Covid time” has been thrown around A LOT when it comes to describing someone accomplishing … well, anything.

As a research and analytics platform, we wanted to know what that phrase meant for music acts on Spotify – more specifically, whether the artists have managed to keep their audiences engaged “remotely”, and which artists have done that better than the rest.

👉 Get the details in our new Spotify report.👈 


We looked into:

  • the top 1,000 Spotify artists in Pop, Hip Hop, Latin, Rock, R&B and Electronic genre, to select those with the fastest-growing fanbase;
  • Spotify data from April 2020 to April 2021;
  • the artists with at least 10,000 Spotify followers and at least 100,000 monthly listeners (by A&R standards, this indicates artists on the verge of becoming mainstream);
  • the artists with a listener-to-follower ratio between 5 and 15 (a great metric that indicates overall solid popularity and separates artists with millions of track listens from artists who successfully “convert” listeners into followers and fans).
We discovered a couple of interesting facts...

#1 Pop ruled Spotify

Pop was the winning genre, followed by Hip Hop and Latin. However, Hip Hop and Latin artists held the most solid listener-to-follower ratio overall, suggesting a more established fanbase.

Top-performing genres on Spotify

#2 TikTok is insanely influential

Viral tracks on TikTok easily translate into Spotify streams. A case in point: once Mother Mother went viral, their Spotify numbers soared, landing the band the #1 spot in Rock.

#3 Spotify playlists boost success

The majority of the top-performing artists landed a spot on at least one influential Spotify playlist.

➡️ Check out the Spotify report and see the top names

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Sara Mekinc

Sara Mekinc

Content Specialist at Viberate
Avid concert-goer, a sucker for creative wordsmithery, and 100 % biodegradable. Google "melomaniac".