Jak se dostanu na majáles?
Nejblizsi stavka MHD pro dostani se na majales je zastavka Akademika Bedrny (linky 13, 15) or Kongresove centrum Aldis (linky 5, 13, 15, 17, 19), and odtud je to cca 5 minut pesky do arealu. From the last stop, proceed to the MHD and then proceed to the Bedrny Academic Center (first in the region) or the Aldis Conference Center.
Jak prodat listek na majales?
The following web portals are available: vstupenky.majales.cz, praha.majales.cz, brno.majales.cz, hradec.majales.cz, ostrava.majales.cz, and majales.nejticket.cz.
Kdo bude na majalesu 2023?
Mirai, Rybicky 48, Horkyze Slize, Wohnout, Tomas Klus, Pokac, Calin, Viktor Sheen, Yzomandias, Stein27, and Grey256 are some of the most well-known interpretations of the Latin year.
Jak se dostat na Majáles?
The best MHD website for registering for Majáles is that of the Aldis Convention Center (links 5, 13, 15, 17, 19) or the Academia Bedrna (links 13, 15). From the last stop, you can go to the MHD and then get off at the Bedrny Academic Center (which is closest to the arena) or the Aldis Kongresove Center; it takes around five minutes to get to the arena this way.
Kde koupit vstupenky na majales?
Prodej vstupenek na Majáles will be available online and streamed on the website praha.majales.cz. In addition to traditional schools or partner schools, vstupenky can also be found on the Majáles.cz website.