Dove parcheggiare per Collisioni Festival?
Parcheggio Alba Sud.
Quante persone a Collisioni?
Over 50 million children and teenagers from all over Italy attended the 4 festival sessions held in 2 distinct locations.
Chi c'è a Collisioni 2023?
The Eugenio in Via di Gioia, Diodato, Lazza, Sfera Ebbasta, and the Articolo 31 will arrive at Collisioni 2023.
Quanto dura il Collisioni?
An all-night, five-hour music marathon that starts at 17 o'clock features Madame, Tananai, Sangiovanni, Frah Quintale, and Coez on stage from 20 o'clock to one o'clock.
Quanto costa un biglietto per Collisioni?
Concerto by Biglietti Collisions: The Tour 2023 will end on July 30, 2023, in Alba, while the next scheduled event and exhibition are scheduled for July 7, 2023, in Alba. Prices range from 20 to 68 euros.
Chi organizza Collisioni?
Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo Rurale, Comune di Barolo, Regione Piemonte, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani support the event, which is organized by the Associazione Culturale Collisioni.
Dove comprare i biglietti per Collisioni?
The huge tickets for the Collisioni date are available on Ticketone and on the regular pre-sale circuits for the price of 20 euros inclusive of pre-sale rights. Additionally, you can purchase them by visiting the following link:
Quando inizia Collisioni?
Diodato performs live on August 30, 2023 as part of Collisioni 2023 in the new stadium of the Parco Tanaro in Alba (Cuneo) to reconnect with his audience following the release of his most recent album, Cosi Speciale. You can buy the biglietti here.
Chi ci sarà a Collisioni 2023?
The Eugenio in Via di Gioia, Diodato, Lazza, Sfera Ebbasta, and the Articolo 31 will arrive at Collisioni 2023.
Quanto dura il collisioni?
An all-night, five-hour music marathon that starts at 17 o'clock features Madame, Tananai, Sangiovanni, Frah Quintale, and Coez on stage from 20 o'clock to one o'clock.