Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival
Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival

Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival

USA, GuthrieLocation
Jazz, Country

Most Popular Artists Performing At Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival Over The Years

Tommy Emmanuel

AUSJazzJazz Fusion
Tommy Emmanuel
Tommy Emmanuel
AUSJazz Fusion

The Dillards

The Dillards
The Dillards

The Travelin’ McCourys

The Travelin’ McCourys
The Travelin’ McCourys

Blue Highway

Blue Highway
Blue Highway

John Fullbright

USACountryAmericana/Alt Country
John Fullbright
John Fullbright
USAAmericana/Alt Country

Highlights at Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival 9

City festival
City festival
Park festival
Park festival
Chill zone
Chill zone
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Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival Amenities

    Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival Accommodation

    More about Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival

    Overview of United States based music festival Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival

    One of the most eagerly awaited music festivals in the country is the Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival. This festival, which takes place every year in Guthrie, Oklahoma, has some of the best bluegrass music in the world. The event draws some of the best musicians from all around the world due to its emphasis on traditional bluegrass music.

    The event honors the long tradition and rich culture of bluegrass music. Numerous musical concerts, workshops, jam sessions, and other events are included. The festival, which draws attendees from all over the world, has developed into a must-attend occasion for both bluegrass music enthusiasts and musicians. The Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival has established itself as a cherished institution in the world of folk and traditional music thanks to its dedication to preserving and promoting bluegrass music.

    What is the Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival location and date?

    The Guthrie, Oklahoma, community's small-town charm and thriving culture will play host to the Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival from October 12 to October 14, 2023. This event brings together some of the most outstanding performers from all around the United States and beyond to celebrate bluegrass and jazz music.

    Participants may anticipate a fun environment with soulful tunes, fascinating performances, and a sense of community among like-minded music lovers. The Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival should not be missed, whether you're a devoted fan of bluegrass music or just want to attend a one-of-a-kind music festival. The festival date is just a few months away, and music fans can't wait to experience this thrilling occasion.

    Which top musicians performed on the Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival lineup?

    Some of the best musicians in the business have performed at the Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival. Tommy Emmanuel, The Dillards, Blue Highway, The Grascals, Kruger Brothers, Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper, April Verch, Beppe Gambetta, Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, Rob Ickes, and Trey Hensley are just a few of the legendary jazz musicians that have performed at the festival.

    The American bluegrass band The Dillards and the Australian guitarist Tommy Emmanuel each contributed their distinctive approaches to the festival. The Grascals, who have won numerous honors, and Grammy-nominated band Blue Highway were the popular favorites. The Kruger Brothers, who are renowned for fusing classical and folk music, also had an impact.

    All of the performers during the event, including Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley, April Verch, Beppe Gambetta, Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, and Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper, dazzled the audience on stage with their extraordinary talent. With such amazing headliners, it's no wonder that the Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival continues to be a refuge for jazz music fans.

    Where can festival goers purchase Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival tickets?

    The official website of the Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival is http://www.oibf.com, where attendees can purchase tickets. American festival-goers can just buy their tickets online with a credit card. The website provides a range of ticket choices, including weekend passes and single-day passes, to accommodate various tastes and price ranges.

    Which addtional highlights and amenities define the music festival Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival?

    Jazz music fans and people who like a good time should not miss Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival. The festival is held in a huge park in the city, which creates a tranquil and lovely ambiance. The occasion is family-friendly, making it a fantastic chance for everyone to get together and take in some top-notch music.

    One of the festival's biggest draws is camping, which enables guests to remain nearby the music and completely savor the experience. Camping is accessible to everyone and is offered for both tents and RVs. The festival offers classes for individuals who wish to learn more about bluegrass music and the culture associated with it in addition to camping. These classes cover a variety of subjects, including songwriting and playing instruments.

    In addition to the main event, festival goers have a variety of other options. These consist of food vendors, artisan stalls, and other forms of entertainment. The International Bluegrass Festival in Oklahoma offers something for everyone, making it a memorable event for everyone who attends.

    What do people also ask about Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival?

    Why is it called bluegrass?

    The Blue Grass Boys, a band led by Bill Monroe that started playing live shows in the 1940s, gave bluegrass music its moniker. The 1930s are when the genre first started to take off in the rural south after World War II. The songs dealt with topics that were significant to regular people.

    What was the name for the style of bluegrass that came about in the 60's and 70's?

    In the 1960s and 1970s, progressive bluegrass was created combining electric instruments and tunes from other genres.