GBR • Drum & Bass
GBR • Dance
Ed Solo
Ed Solo
GBR • Drum & Bass
Sian Evans - Kosheen
Sian Evans - Kosheen
GBR • Dance
808 State
808 State
GBR • House
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A vibrant and cutting-edge electronic music festival called Together is held yearly in the UK. Toogether provides music fans of all ages and backgrounds an exceptional and unforgettable experience with a lineup of some of the most innovative and important electronic music acts from across the world.
With stages hosting a wide variety of electronic music genres, from techno and house to drum and bass and everything in between, the event is recognized for its exciting atmosphere and cutting-edge sound. Toogether is more than simply a music festival; it's a celebration of the ability of electronic music to bring people together and dissolve borders with a focus on innovation and creativity. The Toogether festival should not be missed, regardless of whether you are an avid listener of electronic music or are just searching for a special and memorable festival experience.
From July 30 to August 1, 2021, the renowned electronic music festival Toogether, which unites music fans from all over the world, was held in the charming English village of Sandown. A three-day feast of music, dancing, and art, the event included some of the biggest stars in the global electronic music industry.
Thousands of attendees flocked to Sandown to take in the festival's exciting atmosphere and top-notch music, making it a big success. Everyone could find something they liked at Toogether, and attendees danced the nights away to the sounds of their favorite DJs, who played everything from house and techno to trance and drum and bass. With its gorgeous backdrop and exciting nightlife, Sandown's stunning location added to the festival's charm and made for an amazing experience. A true celebration of music, art, and community, Together 2021 has left everyone eagerly anticipating the following event.
The most recent iteration of the Toogether electronic music event in the UK was a blast, showcasing a diverse range of brilliant artists. Deekline, 808 State, Ed Solo, Kosheen, LTJ Bukem, Stanton Warriors, Izo FitzRoy, Roni Size, Sian Evans (from Kosheen), and Smoove & Turrell were among of the top headline artists.
Deekline, a pioneer of the UK breakbeat scene, brought his distinctive sound to the stage, while 808 State, one of the most significant electronic artists of all time, gave a performance that will never be forgotten. Known for his exuberant performances, Ed Solo got the crowd dancing, and Kosheen's Sian Evans dazzled with her powerful voice.
While the Stanton Warriors demonstrated why they are one of the most in-demand performers in the UK, LTJ Bukem, a veteran in the drum and bass industry, transported the audience on a journey with his mellow, ethereal compositions. Roni Size presented his distinctive fusion of hip-hop and jungle, Izo FitzRoy dazzled with her lyrical voice, and Smoove & Turrell got everyone moving to their groovy tunes.
Overall, the Toogether festival included some of the top electronic music performers, leaving fans with priceless memories and eager anticipation for the following installment.
The official website of the electronic music festival Toogether is where you can buy tickets. A variety of ticket choices, including general admission, VIP, and camping permits, are offered on the website. To reduce their chance of obtaining fake tickets from unofficial sources, festival attendees should make sure they get their tickets through the official website.
Electronic music fans can participate in a variety of extracurricular activities at the Toogether festival in the UK. The festival is family-friendly, set in a lovely field, and visitors may take advantage of a number of services, including camping.
Along with the fantastic music program, the festival offers yoga and meditation classes for attendees to unwind and recharge after a night of dancing. Additionally, they can participate in a variety of programs that cover dance, music creation, and arts & crafts. The festival offers a variety of food and drink options to delight in for those who want to take a break from the music.
With breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, camping at Toogether is a unique experience in and of itself. Participants can select from a range of camping alternatives, including conventional tents or a more opulent glamping experience. Additionally, there are restrooms and showers provided to keep visitors clean throughout the festival.
In conclusion, Toogether offers a variety of activities to keep people interested and is more than just a music festival. Attendees can enjoy a well-rounded festival experience with yoga and meditation, workshops, food and drink options, and camping.
The Guernsey Together Festival is held at the Rabbit Warren, behind the go kart track.
A lineup of A-list performers will perform at the family-friendly festival in May 2023 at Old Park Farm in Margam.
Max Richter and the RTE Concert Orchestra are among the artists on All Together Now 2023, along with James Murphy DJ, Billy Bragg, Black Country, New Road, TV Girl, Daphni, Todd Terje, Overmono, Robert Hood, and others.
The Old Park Farm, Water Street, Margam, Port Talbot SA13 2TG location of the In It Together festival is easily accessible by car, train, or coach.
On May 27 and 28, the Guernsey Together Festival will take place in the Rabbit Warren, which is behind the go-kart track.