The most recent iteration of the Toogether electronic music event in the UK was a blast, showcasing a diverse range of brilliant artists. Deekline, 808 State, Ed Solo, Kosheen, LTJ Bukem, Stanton Warriors, Izo FitzRoy, Roni Size, Sian Evans (from Kosheen), and Smoove & Turrell were among of the top headline artists.
Deekline, a pioneer of the UK breakbeat scene, brought his distinctive sound to the stage, while 808 State, one of the most significant electronic artists of all time, gave a performance that will never be forgotten. Known for his exuberant performances, Ed Solo got the crowd dancing, and Kosheen's Sian Evans dazzled with her powerful voice.
While the Stanton Warriors demonstrated why they are one of the most in-demand performers in the UK, LTJ Bukem, a veteran in the drum and bass industry, transported the audience on a journey with his mellow, ethereal compositions. Roni Size presented his distinctive fusion of hip-hop and jungle, Izo FitzRoy dazzled with her lyrical voice, and Smoove & Turrell got everyone moving to their groovy tunes.
Overall, the Toogether festival included some of the top electronic music performers, leaving fans with priceless memories and eager anticipation for the following installment.