Beatport Analytics by Viberate

Performance and ranking of 165K+ artists, 100K+ labels and 5.3M+ tracks on Beatport.

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Beatport Analytics by Viberate

Beatport stats to boost your releases

Beatport performance in one metric

Beatport performance in one metric

Beatport performance in one metric

  • A speedometer measuring the artist’s or label’s performance in comparison to others
  • The artist’s or label’s Beatport rank with recent changes
  • A list of similarly ranked artists or labels
Beatport performance in one metric

Performance over time

Performance over time

Performance over time

  • A timeline with the artist’s or label’s Beatport popularity
  • Highlights behind the success
  • A career trajectory based on Viberate points
Performance over time

Position on Beatport #100 charts

Position on Beatport #100 charts

Position on Beatport #100 charts

  • The artist’s or label’s tracks on Beatport #100 charts
  • Data synced from Beatport every day
  • “Play” and “buy” button within the section
Position on Beatport #100 charts

Track performance

Track performance

Track performance

  • All the artist’s or label’s tracks, sorted by their performance
  • Stats through time showing the artist’s or label’s growth (days on Beatport #100, etc.)
  • Comparison to the industry average
Track performance

Premium Viberate
Analytics now only

Streaming and social stats of every artist, playlisting, charts, and more.

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Label overview and insights

Label overview and insights

Label overview and insights

  • A list of labels the artist has released on
  • The performance of each label releasing on Beatport
  • The label’s artists and genre breakdown, plus released and charted tracks
Label overview and insights

Artist collaborations

Artist collaborations

Artist collaborations

  • An overview of the artist’s collabs
  • Collaborating artists, sorted by their rank and genres
  • Track insights
Artist collaborations

Genre distribution

Genre distribution

Genre distribution

  • Genre distribution of the released tracks
  • How the artist’s or label’s body of work has changed over time
  • The most successful genres for the artist or label
Genre distribution

Beatport charts ranking artists, labels and tracks

Beatport charts ranking artists, labels and tracks

Beatport charts ranking artists, labels and tracks

  • Beatport rankings for 80K+ artists, 5.3M+ tracks and 100K+ labels
  • Charts that go beyond superstars
  • Unbiased, highly customizable and updated daily
Beatport charts ranking artists, labels and tracks